Up: UW Viking Computer Facility:
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The Viking Computer Facility continues operation at UW, preserving all
resources and documentation, personally maintained by Tillman and
supporters since 1995. Initially enhanced to extend the Mission's
lifetime, its software, procedures, documentation and help files
implement and describe the complete processes from real time downlink
data through the engineering and science phases to finished
Engineering and Meteorology data sets. It also can produce any science
input data set for the mission. Highly automated, flexible, software
procedures, and archiving of products in relational data bases,
dramatically simplifies experiments, the development of upgraded and
expanded versions of the Viking Meteorology resources... Access to a
subset of the
archived Viking Meteorology Data, "Mars
Meteorological Data and Graphs: Pathfinder and Viking", are
permanently maintained have and will continue to be maintained on the
web. The VCF runs both its native operating system and Unix!
Jim Tillman