This exhibit was made possible through the support and generous donations by the following individuals and organizations.
Ms. Rachel Tillman MacClarence, for Preservation of the lander and exhibit design.
University of Washington, Department of Electrical Engineering, Professor Howard Chizeck, Chair, for providing a home for the exhibit.
University of Washington, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor Adam P. Bruckner, for hosting the lander restoration and Departmental student volunteers.
General Dynamics - Space Propulsion Systems (former Rocket Research Company, Redmond, WA, now Aerojet - Redmond Rocket Center) for providing three Viking Lander Engine replicas.
Mr. David Holmes of Eagle Security for obtaining and installing a surveillance and security system, and Steve Schmidt.
DeWitt Jensen, Jensen Motor Boat Co. of Seattle for providing lander storage.
Pressure Systems Inc. of Commerce, CA, for providing two propellant tanks.
Dwayne Westmore, ADI Distributors of North Seattle for Alarm
The following individuals donated time, talent and funds (F), in the acquisition, restoration and establishment of the exhibit:
Mr. Chris Vancil, Mars Society, National Space Society, Seattle Chapter; chief restorer and volunteer coordinator. (F)
Mr. John Schulz (retired), UW, Dept. of Electric Engineering, creating exhibit infrastructure. (F)
Dr. Eckart W. Schmidt, Affiliate Associate Professor, University of Washington, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Lander restoration, moving and acquisition of model engines. (F)
Mr. David Warren, UW Dept. Atmospheric Sciences for software & web assistance.
University of Washington students: Dan Brown, Markus Holzinger, and Juergen Koenig for assistance with restoration and moving the lander body.
James G. Tillman; Photography.
Professor (emeritus) Jim Tillman, Viking Meteorology Science Team, University of Washington, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences: developed the web site and contributed to the development of the exhibit and display materials. (F)