SCI-Live 1996

Revised 17 July 1996, 6:30 AM

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

   July 8-11  July 8 Introduction:  (610    July 9 Computers: (332        July 10 Computers: (332       July 11 Computers:  (Mac      
   9:00-noon  ATG)  Overview, team          Sieg)  Data applications.     Sieg)  Data analysis and      Lab in CMU)  Locating data    
              building, & creating a        Find & read data, download,   use in the classroom.         resources.    9-11--Harry     
              shared vision.  (Janice) 1.   interpret.  Input diurnal     9-9:30--Strip chart           (and Rich?) discusses &       
              Ice Breaker. 2.               data of Earth vs. Mars into   activity(?).   9:30-11--Use   shows atmospheric resources   
              Participants introduce        spreadsheet, graph, etc.      diurnal temperature data of   and data. 11-12--(610 ATG)    
              selves, meet the staff. 3.    Print graphs.  (Rich)         Earth vs. Mars to discuss     Jim shows & discusses Mars    
              LEM overview/philosophy. 4.                                 pedagogy.  (Rich & Janice)    related data and resources.   
              Frame a "lesson," build                                     11-12--Glenn & Julie          JD unavailable                
              list of what Internet                                       discuss Soils from                                          
              activity should have.  Show                                 teacher's perspective.                                      
              LEM Guidelines. 5.  Discuss                                                                                             
              schedule, describe                                                                                                      
   1:00-3:00   Computers: (332 Sieg)         Instruction:   (610 ATG)      Instruction:   (610 ATG)      Interaction:   (610/325      
              Evaluating WWW sites.  Use    Benchmarks, EALRs, and        Using data to teach.  Ernie   ATG) Atmospheric & Space      
              criteria from AM combined     Standards.  Activity where    (and Rich?) discuss Snow      science, scientists.          
              with LEM Guidelines.          groups are given a topic      from designer's               Module writing teams form,    
              (Rich).  Homework:  Read      and they research its         perspective.  Show basics     work with staff to refine     
              the part on weather from      application in the            of module, do map activity.   idea and content.  (All       
              Standards  (pp. 131 - 133).   Benchmarks, EALRs, and        * Discuss yesterday's         available staff) * Discuss    
              Answer the questions:  What   Standards. (Rich) * Discuss   assignment on module          yesterday's assignment on     
              teaching techniques were      yesterday's reading on        standards  Homework:          curriculum evaluation. *      
              "traditional."  What          weather. * Choose topic to    Develop criteria for          Clarify expectations and      
              teaching techniques were      study that has potential      evaluating online             scope of module (one          
              "non-traditional."  How did   for module.  Homework:        curriculum modules.           concept)  Homework:  Choose   
              Mr. H. know what his          Connect EALRs, Benchmarks,                                  concept and partner for       
              students understood?          and Standards across                                        module.  Connect to grades    
                                            preliminary module topic.                                   3-5 Benchmarks.               
                                            JD unavailable                                                                            
  July 15-18  July 15 Preparing for         July 16 Computers: (332       July 17 Computers: (332       July 18 Group meeting:        
   9:00-noon  module writing.  (332 Sieg)   Sieg)  Module                 Sieg)  Module writing.        (610 ATG) Outlines, plans,    
              (Rich) 9-10--Peer and group   conceptualization and         (Winsome Mundy from RSPAC     and feedback.  (Janice &      
              review of proposed module     writing.  (Winsome Mundy      will assist). * Review Snow   Rich) * Videos(?)             
              outlines.  Post outlines      from RSPAC will assist).      online. * Individual          Pathfinder, Eclipse. *        
              through the week.             Individual instruction by     instruction by LEM staff as   Groups describe integration   
              10-12--Computers:             LEM staff as needed.          needed.   (Bring badges)      of input, planned direction.  
              Introduction and use of       (Bring badges)                JD unavailable                                              
              Adobe Pagemill and/or                                                                                                   
              Netscape Gold.  (Rich &                                                                                                 
              Steve)  JD unavailable                                                                                                  
   1:00-3:00   Instruction:  (610 ATG)       Instruction:   (610 ATG)      Instruction:  (610 ATG)       Computers: (ad lib--324      
              Atmospheric & Space           Atmospheric & Space           Assessment.  (Rich)   *       Sieg, B-022 CMU, home,        
              science.                      science.  Northwest weather   Module, learner, teacher. *   etc.)  Module writing.        
              1-2--Cloud-in-a-bottle        (Ernie) * Visit rooftop,      Video:  Private Universe. *   Homework:  Write a draft of   
              (Janice)  Wrap-up of Mars     view instruments, launch &    Read/reflect on Pompea's      proposed module.  Include a   
              suggestions and resources.    track balloon  Homework:      Snow review.  Homework:       map for flow and location     
              (Jim)  Homework:  Reading     Reading from Teachers Guide   Write a series of questions   of all resources, graphics,   
              from Teachers Guide to the    to the Internet:  Chapters    that tests students'          etc.                          
              Internet:  Chapters 1 & 2     7 & 8 (pp. 111-190)           understanding of your                                       
              (pp. 1-35)                                                  module concept and conforms                                 
                                                                          to the Standards,                                           
                                                                          Benchmarks, and EALRs.  JD                                  
  July 22-25  July 22 Reorientation:        July 23 Computers: (332       July 24 Computers: (332       July 25 Group meeting:        
   9:00-noon  (610 ATG)  (Janice & Rich)    Sieg)  Module writing.        Sieg)  Module writing.        (610 ATG)  Present and        
              9-11--Peer and group review   Individual instruction by     Individual instruction by     evaluate modules.             
              of modules, as they are to    LEM staff as needed.          LEM staff as needed.                                        
              date (via small group).                                                                                                 
              Post modules through the                                                                                                
              week. 11-12--Group meeting:                                                                                             
              planning the week.                                                                                                      
   1:00-3:00   Computers: (332 Sieg)         Computers: (332 Sieg)         Group meeting:  (610 ATG)     Closing:  (610 ATG)  Plan    
              Module writing.  Individual   Module writing.  Individual   Present and evaluate          for submission of modules,    
              instruction by LEM staff as   instruction by LEM staff as   modules.     Homework:        plan follow-up.               
              needed.  Homework:            needed.  Homework:            "Finish" modules.             ???Evening:  Dinner???        
              Continue modules.             Continue modules.                                                                         

Before Institute: Complete Internet tutorial and exploration ( Stuff), explore the Developer's Workshop (, review National Science Education Standards (, review Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) homepage (, Netscape tutorial.

During Institute: Keep personal journals to record thoughts/questions/notes and atmospheric data (temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, humidity) for an assigned hour for each day. There will also be a "map discussion" each day given by Ernie featuring current events and local weather.

Note: At end of Institute there will be a group dinner at Ivar's Salmon House.

Richard T. Edgerton, Ph.D. University of   (206) 543-1456 (voice) (206) 543-0308      
Washington Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences   (Fax)  Live From     
425B ATG Building Box 351640 Seattle, WA   Earth & Mars                               