C  Viking Lander 2 Binned and Splined data         Rev 2.2 97/6/19, JET
C                                                  97/6/24,97/6/25, JET
C                  J. E. Tillman, Dir.  Viking Comp
C                  N. C. Johnson 
C                  Dept. Atmospheric Sciences
C                  University of Washington
C       Data set created between July 1982 and August 1983.
C       It was provided to Planetary Data Systems, Atmospheres Node.
C	=============================================================
C           Solar               Wind   Wind  Pressure  Temperature
C           Longitude           Speed  Dir                
C   Year    L_s (deg.) Sol      m/sec  deg.     mb      F.      C.
C        1   97.196    1.02     1.2     176    7.71  -108.90  -78.28
C	=============================================================
C       A "C" or other character in column 1 indicates that the row
C       contains text or other, information.
C       Column 2 is reserved for special flags which can be:
C               data quality indicators for a row with problems;
C               an indicator to reject one or more variables in
C               the row, e.g., wind is bad but pressure and temperature
C               are good, etc.
C               These will be defined as necessary.
C       Rows will not be blank; there will always be at least a "C" in
C       column 1
C       Column 3 is always blank.
C	Definitions
C	===========
C	Year			Mars year, approximately 687 Earth days
C	Solar Longitude,	Angular direction from Mars to the Sun
C		L_s;		0 to 360 degrees
C		Deg.		90 = summer, 180 = autumn, 270 = winter
C				0 or 360 = spring in northern hemisphere
C	Sol			Martian days after landing; 1 sol is
C					Viking landed on sol 0
C					One sol is 24.62 hours
C	Wind speed		Meters per second
C	Wind direction		Degrees, (direction from which the
C				wind blows)
C	Pressure		mb = millibars, 1 mb = 100 hPa, where
C				hPa = hecta Pascals
C	Temperature		Degrees; C = Centigrade; F = Fahrenheit
C	=================================================================
C	These rows of data are formed by checking for bad data,
C	removing or reprocessing them, collecting the points into one
C	of 25 equal length intervals, "bins", in each sol, and then
C	averaging each bin. When no data exist in one to a few bins,
C	a value is interpolated, ( using a cubic spline technique,,
C	which is not described here.)
C	=================================================================
C           Solar               Wind   Wind  Pressure  Temperature
C           Longitude           Speed  Dir                
C   Year    L_s (deg.) Sol      m/sec  deg.     mb      F.      C.
         1  142.767   51.02     2.0      41    7.38  -105.23  -76.24
         1  142.788   51.06     3.1      48    7.38  -109.79  -78.77
         1  142.809   51.10     3.4      53    7.38  -113.53  -80.85
         1  142.829   51.14     3.2      77    7.38  -117.35  -82.97
         1  142.850   51.18     2.9      90    7.38  -121.00  -85.00
         1  142.870   51.22     2.4     114    7.38  -110.92  -79.40
         1  142.891   51.26     3.9     129    7.40  -102.23  -74.57
         1  142.912   51.30     5.1     136    7.47   -87.39  -66.33
         1  142.932   51.34     3.5     157    7.47   -67.83  -55.46
         1  142.953   51.38     3.0     193    7.47   -60.56  -51.42
         1  142.973   51.42     2.8     302    7.47   -61.56  -51.98
         1  142.994   51.46     2.4     300    7.47   -52.62  -47.01
         1  143.015   51.50     3.2      17    7.44   -47.72  -44.29
         1  143.035   51.54     2.9      36    7.47   -31.45  -35.25
         1  143.056   51.58     2.7      24    7.47   -34.04  -36.69
         1  143.076   51.62     3.5      14    7.47   -28.34  -33.52
         1  143.097   51.66     4.1      25    7.38   -29.22  -34.01
         1  143.118   51.70     6.1      24    7.38   -37.57  -38.65
         1  143.138   51.74     6.3      26    7.38   -43.24  -41.80
         1  143.159   51.78     4.5      29    7.38   -57.87  -49.93
         1  143.179   51.82     2.9      29    7.47   -73.03  -58.35
         1  143.200   51.86     2.5      43    7.47   -82.61  -63.67
         1  143.221   51.90     3.1      38    7.47   -88.46  -66.92
         1  143.241   51.94     2.1      53    7.47   -95.12  -70.62
         1  143.262   51.98     2.3      45    7.47  -100.57  -73.65
         1  143.282   52.02     2.8      35    7.47  -105.97  -76.65
         1  143.303   52.06     2.1      43    7.47  -110.11  -78.95
         1  143.324   52.10     1.8      76    7.47  -112.02  -80.01
         1  143.344   52.14     2.0      78    7.47  -110.94  -79.41
         1  143.365   52.18     2.0      66    7.47  -120.30  -84.61
         1  143.386   52.22     2.6      90    7.47  -105.12  -76.18
         1  143.406   52.26     2.5     142    7.47   -96.68  -71.49
         1  143.427   52.30     2.6     151    7.47   -79.55  -61.97
         1  143.447   52.34     2.4     137    7.47   -69.56  -56.42
         1  143.468   52.38     1.9     233    7.47   -59.64  -50.91
         1  143.489   52.42     1.6      27    7.47   -53.39  -47.44
         1  143.509   52.46     2.1     305    7.47   -53.48  -47.49
         1  143.530   52.50     3.0      31    7.47   -40.58  -40.32
         1  143.551   52.54     3.2      33    7.47   -32.67  -35.93
         1  143.571   52.58     3.1      24    7.47   -25.91  -32.17
         1  143.592   52.62     5.1      37    7.38   -25.24  -31.80
         1  143.613   52.66     5.3      46    7.38   -31.29  -35.16
         1  143.633   52.70     7.0      41    7.38   -35.28  -37.38
         1  143.654   52.74     5.5      42    7.38   -42.59  -41.44
         1  143.674   52.78     3.7      37    7.38   -60.95  -51.64
         1  143.695   52.82     2.5      32    7.47   -73.48  -58.60
         1  143.716   52.86     2.8      33    7.47   -81.96  -63.31
         1  143.736   52.90     3.2      32    7.47   -88.22  -66.79
         1  143.757   52.94     3.1      52    7.47   -94.74  -70.41