MERRA Circulation Lab


Through this lab, we will explore the circulation of the Earth using model data from NASA's MERRA reanalysis. This particular model takes in observations from satellites, weather balloons, and weather stations to help get the model started. The model then runs to fill in the gaps between weather stations so that scientists have a complete view of the Earth at all times. We will look at monthly averages from the last 30 years of weather data.


Globe depicting circulation and Hadley cells from Harvard Climate Research

@copy Harvard Equable Climate Dynamics

We've talked about the Hadley Circulation in class and how hot air rises where it is warm (along the equator from solar heating) and sinks where it is cool (far from the equator) with air moving toward the equator at the surface. But does this actually happen on the Earth? How can we observe it? In this lab, we will work with real model data to see if the Hadley Circulation occurs and how it varies by season.

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[Live from Earth & Mars]