Question: How does air pressure affect temperature and cloud formation?
In this experiment you will be making a cloud appear just as you did in experiment #2. But in this activity you will also be making the cloud disappear. In fact, you will learn how to make your cloud appear and disappear and then appear again with just a touch of your fingers...just by putting a little pressure on the air or by releasing that pressure.
Have you ever watched the weather forecast on TV? Do you remember hearing the terms high pressure and low pressure? What kind of weather do we usually have when we are in a high pressure zone? In a low pressure zone?
In your hypothesis you must decide what effect high pressure has on the temperature of the air and on cloud formation and then how low pressure affects these same weather components.
Write your hypothesis in the section "Hypothesis" on your Lab Sheet.
You will need
for each group:
The recorder will record the group's observations below instead of on the Lab Sheet. (We'll use that later.)
The temperature in the bottle before the experiment is ___________________.
The temperature in the bottle now is ________________.
The temperature in the bottle _______________.
In your group's own words explain what effect "squeezing" or putting pressure on the air had on the temperature of the air inside the bottle.
Do you think you created a high pressure zone or a low pressure zone when you squeezed the air in the bottle? ______________________________________________________________________________
And now it's time for us to put a cloud in the bottle. What 3 ingredients will we need to make a cloud?
Get out your Lab Sheet ....It's time to do some magic! Your recorder will need to list the experiment steps on your group's Lab Sheet.
This Experiment better known as The Great Disappearing Cloud Trick
Put on your safety goggles!
Following the class discussion your group should reassemble and decide upon your concluding hypothesis. When you have finished, turn in Experiment Sheet #3 and your group's Lab Sheet and go back to your desk.
Take out your Lab Journal and write your own explanation of how high pressure and low pressure affect temperature and cloud formation.