Application Form

Your Name:     Grade:
School's Name:
Teacher's Name:
Teacher's E-mail address:

Please answer the following questions. A score of 7 correct answers qualifies you for membership.

  1. In experiment #1 (Magic Moisture) what ingredient in the air turned into drops of water on the outside of the glass when it was cooled by ice inside the glass?

  2. After drops of water have been formed in the atmosphere by the process known as condensation, what other ingredient do they need in order to become clouds? *Hint: Check out experiment #2 (Creating a cloud).

  3. In experiment #3 (The Cloud Trick) when you squeezed the bottle (creating a high pressure zone) what happened to the temperature inside the bottle? Could you see a cloud inside the bottle?

  4. In experiment #3 (The Cloud Trick) when you stopped squeezing the bottle (creating a low pressure zone) what happened to the temperature inside the bottle? Could you see a cloud inside the bottle?

  5. Do you think you are more likely to have clear weather in a low pressure area or a high pressure area?

  6. In experiment #4 (A Bag of Hot Air) which took up more space - hot air or cool air?

  7. In experiment #5 (Rain-Maker) what happened to the water vapor in the air when it expanded and cooled against the bottom of the pot filled with ice-water?

  8. As the water droplets in a cloud collect more moisture they become heavy enough to fall to the earth as rain. What happens if the temperature of the air below is 0 degrees Celsius?

If you scored 7 out of 8 correct answers on the NWWW Membership Application, you are now a certified member.

Please pick up your NWW card from your teacher.