#1 Goin' on a Mars Trip,
We're not afraid.
Blast off on a rocket,
We've got it made.
#2 Soon we are in orbit,
Goin' 'round the earth.
Now we'll head for Mars,
Discover new stuff.
#3 It travels seven months,
Just to get there.
Now get ready to land,
Dare try the air?
#4 Time for the parachute
To slow us down.
Let's inflate the airbags,
Bounce to the ground. |
#5 Now deflate the airbags,
The sides fold out.
Camera on the lander,
Looks all about.
#6 The Mars weather station,
Starts to operate.
Rover named Sojourner,
Starts to navigate.
#7 It moves very slowly,
Obeys each command.
The data it collects,
Helps us understand . . .
#8 Why we study Mars,
And things in space.
How to solve problems,
For the human race.