MFG Inc. 19203 36th Ave W Ste 101 Lynwood WA 98036 |
Telephone: 425-921-4000 Fax: 425-921-4040 e-mail: Web: |
B.S. Engineering Physics, University of California at Berkeley, June 1987
- | extending the existing analysis of PM10 emissions from Owens Lake using CALPUFF and an advanced emissions rate based on sand flux movement measured on the lakebed. |
- | Modeled the regional meteorology near Pocatello, ID, during several stagnation episodes that occurred during the 1990's, using MM5, in support of the Portneuf Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan. |
- | Performed a regional modeling study to examine secondary aerosol impacts from proposed power generation projects to Class I areas in Montana |
- | Built a Linux cluster from scratch, to run MM5. |
- | Co-developed a new Multi-Layer Bio-Chemical (MLBC) model for gaseous Dry Deposition of pollutants, and validated it against direct flux measurements taken over a variety of crops and forests. |
- | The MLBC model is suitable for bulk data (e.g. CASTnet) and regional Air Quality models (e.g. CMAQ/Models-3). |
- | Improved the existing NOAA Multi-Layer Model (MLM) for Dry Deposition. |
- | Funding provided by the National Research Council competitive grants. |
- | Developed a new method for estimating latent heat flux over the world's oceans using satellite data. Development/validation relied on a large collection of atmospheric soundings and ship data. Required expertise in both land-based and oceanic turbulence measurements. |
- | Developed and maintained code for R.A. Brown's PBL model. |
- | Gave numerous in-house seminars. |
- | Co-T.A. for Weather, an introductory courses for non-science majors. Delivered daily weather briefings and occasional lectures, wrote and graded all the homework and tests with another T.A., and led three weekly quiz sections |
- | Responsible for data from several automated ambient monitoring stations |
- | Designed and installed automated feedback system from monitoring station downwind of refineries. |
- | Designed and implemented hand-held data collection systems for leak detection in refineries. |
References available upon request.