University of Washington:
atmospheric pressure data on the fly...
The data above is being measured by a pressure sensor identical
to that used in the
Russian Mars 96 Program.
This pressure sensor is located at the University of Washington (Seattle)
courtesy of the Finnish Space Science Institute's
program and of Pekka Jarvi of Vaisala Oy, Helsinki, Finland
- This plot courtesy of:
- Funding supplied under the Planetary Instrument Definition and Development Program from NASA Headquarters and from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory permits continued analysis of this sensor.
- Each data point is a 1-minute average of 30 values (i.e. 2 second sample interval)
- Continuous operation of this sensor began May 21, 1993. It has been measured in its current location, approximately 33 meters above sea level since July 1993.
- The abscissa times are Seattle local time and no adjustment to sea level pressure has been made. The approximate adjustment to obtain SLP is to add 4 millibars (note: this varies somewhat through the year with varying atmospheric conditions).
- For our use, Vaisala has incorporated the Mars 96 sensor into their commercially available package, producing ASCII output.
- Sampling is done with a Campbell Scientific, Inc., 21X programmable data logger.
- This page is provided with dynamic refresh, which will include the most recent pressure, via a client pull every 5 minutes to compatible browsers. The plot is generated with
gnuplot, Copyright (C) 1986-1993 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley.