Gust Comparisons

NOTE: on 11/26/2024 the Gust Potential was updated based on references 1 and 3 below to include a 0.5K boost to the surface virtual potential temperature

HRRR reference: Ref1. from RAP, Ref2. AMS article, Ref3. NOAA Tech Note from 2021

  1. animated GFS 0.25° 850 winds on Globe
Description4-km1.333-kmboth d3 and d4
Loop comparing gust plots for 19 Nov cased3d4both
Loop comparing PBL height plots for 19 Nov cased3d4both
cross section loactions
Loop vertical cross section 1 northd3d4both
Loop vertical cross section 2 midd3d4both
Loop vertical cross section 3 southd3d4both
Loop vertical cross section 4 Rainierd3d4both