WRF 2008, 2014 and 2015 Climatological SST Tests

The Setup

Rerun select cases with SSTs replaced by 1-degree climatological values (monthly mean data linearly interpolated to the chosen forecast initialization date). NOTE: unlike our real-time runs, we had to turn off the FDDA nudging to GFS fields on the outer domain.

Table 1. Standard Plots

InitializationDomainProductHourCases (control click to select multiple)
Choose a date
0Z June 15, 2008 nearshore SST minimum
0Z June 22, 2010 broaderr SST minimum
0Z January 16, 2014
0Z February 7, 2015
0Z March 15, 2015 nearshore SST maximum on March 8, 2015
0Z April 25, 2015
12Z July 7, 2015 offshore SST maximum on July 2, 2015
00Z July 8, 2015 offshore SST maximum on July 2, 2015

Paper Figure Raw Files (before being trimmed)

  1. Loop paper figs 10 and 12 sstdiff raw plots 36-km domain SST differences
  2. Loop paper figs 11 tsfciff raw plots 12-km domain 0Z and 12Z averages for final 72-hours of simulation
  3. Loop paper figs 13 700tdiff raw plots 12-km doman 0Z and 12Z averages for final 72-hours of simulation
  4. Loop paper fig 16 slpdiff raw plots 36-km domain at 180 hours
  5. Loop paper fig 16 500hdiff raw plots 36-km domain at 180 hours

    Reverse runs, use warm SSTs with cold synoptics (2008061500 case)
    and cold SSTs with warm synoptics (2015070712 case)

  6. Loop of reverse case like paper figs 11 tsfciff raw plots 12-km domain 0Z and 12Z averages for final 72-hours of simulation
  7. Loop of reverse case like paper figs 13 700tdiff raw plots 12-km doman 0Z and 12Z averages for final 72-hours of simulation
  8. Plots comparing wrfrv - climosst15, wrfrv - climosst, and wrfrv - wrfrt runs to confirm that cases are done correctly.
  9. Plots comparing wrfrt - climosst15 and wrfrt - climosst to show how interpreting monthly means as being from the 15th day of the month instead of as the first day of the month changes things.

Paper Figures

paper revision 3 figures 11 and 12 possibilities

  • Figure 11 Warm Anomaly Composites Loop
  • Figure 12 Cold Anomaly Composites Loop
  • Loop just the 7-day average plots for both figures
    and same as above but contour -30 to 30 for GHT fields
    and compare versions
  • Loop just the 30-day average plots for both figures
  • Compare 7-day and 30-day composites
  • Loop 1 day differences for both figures
  • Loop 2 nearly final figures

    figure 18 comparison loops and alternate figures

    1. 500 height loop at hour 180
      500 height loop over the last 24 hours
    2. SLP loop at hour 180
      SLP loop over the last 24 hours
    3. alternate Figure 18 like figure 20, averaging last 72 hours at 0Z
    4. alternate Figure 18 averaging all last 24 hours of run FINAL
    5. alternate Figure 20 averaging all last 24 hours of run FINAL