WRF Noah MP Nighttime Cold Bias over Snow

Dec 2021 to Jan 2022 cases

  1. 12-km Sea-Tac Soundings at hour 2
  2. see table 2 below to plot geographic plots and some simple statistics
    differences from wrfgfs are indicated with *asterisk
    Case NameDescriptionFull namelist
    3. enshrrrHRRR physics: Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysics*, RRTMG LW and SW, radt=15*, MYNN sfc layer*, Noah LSM, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL*, no mosaic landuse in Noah*, no shallow cu*, no FDDA*, diff_opt=1*, diff_6th_factor=0.25*, diff_6th_opt=2*, tke_adv_opt=1*namelist.input.enshrrr
    4. enswrf4mynnThompson microphysics, RRTMG LW and SW, Noah LSM, MYNN sfc layer*, no shallow cu*, tke_adv_opt=1*namelist.input.enswrf4mynn
    5a. gfsnsame as wrfgfs except Noah LSM for all runs Dec 2021 through Jan 2022namelist.input.gfsn
    5b. gfsnmpsame as wrfgfs except Noah-MP LSM* for all runs Dec 2021 through Jan 2022namelist.input.gfsnmp
    5c. gfsrucsame as wrfgfs except RUC LSM* for all runs Dec 2021 through Jan 2022namelist.input.gfsruc
    5d. gfsruc3same as hn3 except RUC LSM* for all runs Dec 2021 through Jan 2022
    snow physics: Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysics*, RRTMG LW, Goddard SW*, radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer*, RUC LSM*, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL*, mosaic landuse and soil, no shallow cu, FDDA
    and real-time dynamics settings: diff_opt=2, diff_6th_otp=0, tke_adv_opt=0
    6. hn2same as enshrrr except: Goddard shortwave radiation*, mosaic landuse in Noah, and real-time dynamics settings: diff_opt=2, diff_6th_otp=0, tke_adv_opt=0namelist.input.hn2
    6b. hn3snow physics: Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysics*, RRTMG LW, Goddard SW*, radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer*, Noah LSM, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL*, mosaic landuse in Noah, no shallow cu, FDDA
    and real-time dynamics settings: diff_opt=2, diff_6th_otp=0, tke_adv_opt=0
    6c. hn3c273exact same as hn3 except remove snow from wrfinput where top soil temp >= 273.15K
    exact same as hnmp3s3c273 except Noah vs Noah-MP LSM
    snow physics: Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysics*, RRTMG LW, Goddard SW*, radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer*, Noah LSM, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL*, mosaic landuse in Noah, no shallow cu, FDDA
    and real-time dynamics settings: diff_opt=2, diff_6th_otp=0, tke_adv_opt=0
    7. hnmp2exactly like hn2 except Noah-MP LSM*namelist.input.hnmp2
    8. hnmp3exact physics as hnmp2 except Noah-MP code mods wrf.exe.nmpmods1: increase minimum snow-depths from from 0 and 5 cm to 15 cm namelist.input.hnmp3
    module_sf_noahmplsm.F.nmpmods1 compare to
    9. hnmp3s1like hnmp3 used code wrf.exe.npmmods1, except Thompson microphysic,RRTM LW*, Dudhia SW*, radt=15*, Old MM5 surface layer, YSU PBL, FDDAnamelist.input.hnmp3s1
    10. hnmp3s2 like hnmp3 used code wrf.exe.npmmods1 except radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer*, FDDA
    best snow physics: Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysics*, RRTMG LW, Goddard SW*, radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer*, Noah-MP LSM, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL*, mosaic landuse in Noah, no shallow cu, FDDA
    and real-time dynamics settings: diff_opt=2, diff_6th_otp=0, tke_adv_opt=0
    identical physics to hn3 except Noah-MP instead of Noah LSM
    11. hnmp3s3 exact same physics as hnmp3s2 except used code wrf.exe.npmmods2 which uses Verseghy 1991 thermal conductivity of snow calculation though constrained to be <= 0.25
    best snow physics: Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysics*, RRTMG LW, Goddard SW*, radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer*, Noah-MP LSM, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL*, mosaic landuse in Noah, no shallow cu, FDDA
    and real-time dynamics settings: diff_opt=2, diff_6th_otp=0, tke_adv_opt=0
    11a. hnmp3s3c273 exact same physics as hnmp3s3 except removed snow from wrfinput files where top soil temp >= 273.15K
    best snow physics: Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysics*, RRTMG LW, Goddard SW*, radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer*, Noah-MP LSM, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL*, mosaic landuse in Noah, no shallow cu, FDDA
    and real-time dynamics settings: diff_opt=2, diff_6th_otp=0, tke_adv_opt=0
    11b. hnmp3s3myn exact same physics and code as hnmp3s3 except used MYNN surface layer instead of old MM5 namelist.input.hnmp3s3myn
    12. hnmp3s4 exact same physics as hnmp3s2 except used code wrf.exe.npmmods3 which 1) increases minimum snow-depths from from 0 and 5 cm to 25 cm 2) uses Verseghy 1991 thermal conductivity of snow calculation though constrained to be <= 0.15 namelist.input.hnmp3s4
    13. hnmpexact same physics as hnmp2 and hnmp3 except with RRTMG SW instead of Goddardnamelist.input.hnmp
    2. mm5etaNAM initialization, MM5 3.6.1 code with simple Dudhia thermal diffusion surface layer, Kain-Fritsch cumulus, Dudhia simple ice microphysics, MRF PBL, Dudhia radiation, multil-layer soil model, no shallow convectionmmlif
    14. simple Thompson microphysics, RRTM LW*, Dudhia SW*, radt=30, Old MM5 surface layer, thermal diffusion land-surface, YSU PBL, shallow cu namelist.input.simple
    1. wrfgfsreal-time configuration, Noah-MP through Dec 18, 2021, Noah LSM from 2021121900 onward
    physics: Thompson microphysics, RRTMG LW and SW, radt=30, revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov sfc layer, Noah or Noah-MP LSM, YSU PBL, shallow cu,

    notes from plots

    1. Goddard SW does improve 2-m temperature (RMS for hnmp2 (Goddard SW) vs hnmp (RRTMG sw)
    2. Noah-MP can be improved (mostly in afternoon) by using MYNN sfc layer and MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL (RMS for gfsnmp vs hnmp)
    3. So far, I believe from other tests that Noah-MP is still desired, but would recommend switching, at least for the winter, to Goddard SW, MYNN sfc, MYNN 2.5-level TKE PBL
  3. All Stats for Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 for the cases highlighted above, all fields, both hours: Mean Absolute Error, Mean Error
  4. Geographic loops for Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 for the cases highlighted above: a. t2m MAE all sites 00Z b. t2m ME all sites 00Z c. t2m MAE SA sites 00Z d. t2m ME SA sites 00Z
  5. Geographic loops for Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 for the cases highlighted above: a. t2m MAE all sites 12Z b. t2m ME all sites 12Z c. t2m MAE SA sites 12Z d. t2m ME SA sites 12Z
  6. 12-km Sea-Tac Soundings at hour 12
  7. 12-km Sea-Tac Soundings at all times
  8. Ground heat flux conus3 case (left side) vs conus3nmp case (right side) at 30 minutes into the simulations range -200 to +200
  9. Ground heat flux for Noah vs Noah-MP (optstc2 case) with range -20 to +20
 conus3nmp         = same as conus3 but with Noah-MP instead
 conus3            = Noah + Thompson + RRTMG + MYNN* + Tiedtke
                     mynn_tkeavect, mynn_cloudpdf=2, mynn_mixlength=2,
                     mynn_edmf=2, mynn_edmf_tke=1, mynn_mixscalars=1
 conus2            = Noah + Thompson + RRTMG + MYNN + Tiedtke
 conus             = Noah + Thompson + RRTMG + MYJ + Tiedtke
                     this is the CONUS physics suite
 gfssfc            = Noah-MP opt_stc=2 + Thompson + RRTMG + GFS sfclay + GFS PBL
 noah              = Noah + Thompson + RRTMG
 optstc2           = Noah-MP opt_stc=2 + Thompson + RRTMG
 optstc2wsm        = Noah-MP opt_stc=2 + WSM-6 + RRTMG
 optstc2wsmgoddard = Noah-MP opt_stc=2 + WSM-6 + Goddard radiation

Sea-Tac Temperatures on 29 Dec 2021

0226F -3.3C 269.8K26F -3.1C 270K17F -8.6C 264.6K20F -6.6C 266.6K22F -5.4C 267.8K
1224F -4.4C 268.7K26F -3.3C 269.8K18F -7.7C 265.5K13F -10.5C 262.7K20F -6.5C 266.7K

Older Cases

Table 1. Plots


Table 2. Geographic, Mean Statistics, and New Frequency Distribution Plots

PeriodFieldStatisticHourStation GroupCases (control click to select multiple)
Choose a Period:
Feb 5 2019
Dec 29 2021
Jan 13 2022
Dec 1 2021 - Jan 31 2022
Choose a field:
2-m Temp
2-m Dewpoint Temp
10-m Wind Direction
10-m Wind Speed
Mean or Bias
Mean Absolute Error
Root Mean Square Error
Std Dev of Error

Scatter Plots
Scatterplot ME
Scatterplot MAE
Scatterplot RMS
Scatterplot Std Dev

David's Frequency Distribution Plots
Frequency Distribution
Init 0, FHr 24
Init 0, FHr 12
Init 0, FHr 15
Init 0, FHr 21

Sites for Dec 29 2021 case 12-km domain All sites
12-km domain SA sites

Sites for Feb 2019 case All sites
All sites, speeds >= 3 knots
All sites, speeds <= 3 knots
SA sites
SA sites, speeds >= 3 knots

Plot type:
Geographic Loop
Bar Chart
Bar Chart for all Station Groups
Bar Chart for all Fields, both hours, and all Station Groups Now works
Bar Chart for all Fields, all hours, and all Station Groups Now works
Time series table at a site
(does not work with the All Cases option)
Time series plot at a site
(use no more than 7 cases)