Next: 1.3 The UNIX Environment:
Up: 1.2 The GMT environment:
Previous: 1.2.2 Job Control
There are 6 general categories of output produced by GMT:
- PostScript plot commands.
- Data Table(s).
- Gridded data set(s).
- Statistics & Summaries.
- Warnings and Errors, written to stderr.
- Exit status (0 means success, otherwise failure).
Note: GMT automatically creates and updates a history of past
GMT command options for the common switches. This history
file is called .gmtcommands and one will be created in
every directory from which GMT programs are executed. Many
initial problems with GMT usage result from not fully appreciating
the relationships shown in Figure 1.1.
Next: 1.3 The UNIX Environment:
Up: 1.2 The GMT environment:
Previous: 1.2.2 Job Control
Paul Wessel