Getting Started with the
Intel® Fortran Compiler 9.0 for Linux*

Document number: 307058-001


Configuring the Intel® Fortran Compiler

Before You Start

    The Verification Source File
    Confirming Proper Installation
Invoking the Compiler (Command Line)

    Compiling with No Optimization Options
    Running/Verifying the Compiled Program
    Compiling with Optimization
    Running/Comparing Performance
Using the Compiler on Your Own
Where from Here?

Disclaimer and Legal Information


The Intel® Fortran Compiler 9.0 for Linux* systems uses the command line on a Linux* host system to compile Fortran source files to run  on Linux* platforms.  Refer to the Intel(R) Software Development Products web site for more information about this product, and other Intel software development products.

    Note:  The default installation path for the Fortran compiler is
.  For the remainder of this guide,
the path /opt/intel/fc/9.0 will be indicated as <install-dir>.

Configuring the Intel® Fortran Compiler

As part of a successful installation of the Intel Fortran Compiler 9.0 for Linux, the installer runs the installation script (  You need to also run the compiler environment script file ( that sets the environment variables.  It is strongly recommended that you add this script file into your login script (.login for C shell or .profile for other shells). Once the variables are set in the login script, there is no need to run the environment script files for each session.  The installation program also creates compiler configuration files named <install-dir>/bin/ifort.cfg   that contains common settings for all compilations. You can edit this file to add additional default options. 

    Note:  Once installed, you invoke the Fortran compiler using ifort on the command line.

Refer to the Installation Guide to confirm that  the Intel Fortran Compiler 9.0 for Linux has been properly configured.

Before You Start

Once you complete installation of the Intel Fortran Compiler, it is useful to perform a basic verification task that confirms proper installation, configuration, and operation of the compiler.  A verification source file is provided at <install-dir>/doc/samples/int_sin.f90 as part of the compiler installation. 

The Verification Source File

The verification source file is a math program that integrates the absolute value of a sine curve for one cycle of 2 pi radians.  The following figure shows the method used for calculation.  This method successively adds the areas of rectangles with a height centered on the curve.  As the number of rectangles increases (and the slice width decreases), the calculated area approaches four (4.0).  The figure below shows what is being calculated for 24 interior points and the first eight slices of a 25 interior point calculation.

The timing function in the program returns the number of measured application clocks from the beginning to the end of program execution.  This time measure is inexact and will vary somewhat depending on the processor and its workload. 

Confirming Proper Installation

You can confirm proper installation of the compiler by compiling the verification source, running the verification output file, and observe that the output of the file converges to the known correct value of 4.  Perform the following steps to verify your installation:

  1. The verification source file is in the <install-dir>/doc/samples directory.  Make sure you have write permission to the /samples directory, then change to the directory and run the compiler on the verification source file, as follows:

            prompt> ifort int_sin.f90
  1. The compiled program should now be in the <install-dir>/doc/samples directory with a file name of a.out.  The program requires no argument .  Execute the program as follows:

            prompt> ./a.out

  2. Note that the computed integral value nears or equals 4.0 for each calculation as the execution time (CPU time) consumed during each of the calculations generally increases with the number of interior points.  The program output should display in the same shell window from which it was invoked, as follows:
    Number of     | Computed Integral|
 Interior Points  |                  |
             4    |   3.1415927E+00  |
             8    |   3.7922378E+00  |
            16    |   3.9484632E+00  |
            32    |   3.9871407E+00  |
            64    |   3.9967867E+00  |
           128    |   3.9991968E+00  |
           256    |   3.9997992E+00  |
           512    |   3.9999498E+00  |
          1024    |   3.9999875E+00  |
          2048    |   3.9999969E+00  |
          4096    |   3.9999992E+00  |
          8192    |   3.9999998E+00  |
         16384    |   4.0000000E+00  |
         32768    |   4.0000000E+00  |
         65536    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        131072    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        262144    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        524288    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       1048576    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       2097152    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       4194304    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       8388608    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      16777216    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      33554432    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      67108864    |   4.0000000E+00  |

CPU Time = 5.875000 seconds
  1. If the compiler or the output of the compiled program does not appear to be functioning correctly, check the installation and configuration, and reinstall if necessary.  Otherwise the Intel Fortran compiler has been properly installed and is functioning correctly.

Invoking the Compiler (Command Line)

The Intel® Fortran Compiler 9.0 for Linux* can be invoked from the Linux command line using ifort for Fortran (f90) source files  We will use the int_sin.f90 verification source file in order to get started using the compiler and become familiar with some of its features and options.

The int_sin.f90 verification source file is located in the <install-dir>/doc/samples directory.  Before starting this section, open a shell window and change directory as follows:

            prompt> cd <install-dir>/doc/samples  

    Note:  You need to have write permission in the /samples directory.

Compiling with No Optimization Options

We can establish a performance baseline by invoking the Intel Fortran compiler without any optimization options.  Invoke the Intel Fortran compiler on the source as follows:

            prompt> ifort int_sin.f90 -O0 

Alternatively, you could use the -g debug option, because that changes the default optimization from -O2 to -O0.

Running/Verifying the Compiled Program

The compiled program is in the same directory as the source, with a standard file name of a.out.  Execute the program as follows:

            prompt> ./a.out

The computed integral value nears or equals 4.0 for each calculation as the execution time (number of processor clock cycles) consumed during each of the calculations generally increases with the number of interior points.  The following example output is similar to the output you should see:

    Number of     | Computed Integral|
 Interior Points  |                  |
             4    |   3.1415927E+00  |
             8    |   3.7922378E+00  |
            16    |   3.9484632E+00  |
            32    |   3.9871407E+00  |
            64    |   3.9967867E+00  |
           128    |   3.9991968E+00  |
           256    |   3.9997992E+00  |
           512    |   3.9999498E+00  |
          1024    |   3.9999875E+00  |
          2048    |   3.9999969E+00  |
          4096    |   3.9999992E+00  |
          8192    |   3.9999998E+00  |
         16384    |   4.0000000E+00  |
         32768    |   4.0000000E+00  |
         65536    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        131072    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        262144    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        524288    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       1048576    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       2097152    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       4194304    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       8388608    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      16777216    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      33554432    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      67108864    |   4.0000000E+00  |

CPU Time = 9.843750 seconds

Compiling with Optimization

The performance enhancement realized by using some of the optimization options of the Intel Fortran compiler can be quite significant.  Other options allow you to enhance operation or performance in different areas.  Invoke the compiler (with the default optimization) as follows:

            prompt> ifort int_sin.f90

By default the compiler performs level 2 optimizations (-O2), which are intended to improve code execution speed.

Running/Comparing Performance

Execute the optimized version of the compiled int_sin program as follows:

            prompt> ./a.out

Compare the "CPU Time" with the value you noted for the unoptimized program.  Although the actual time differences you see might depend on the architecture of your target system, the following output is typical for an Intel® IA-32 system.

    Number of     | Computed Integral|
 Interior Points  |                  |
             4    |   3.1415927E+00  |
             8    |   3.7922378E+00  |
            16    |   3.9484632E+00  |
            32    |   3.9871407E+00  |
            64    |   3.9967867E+00  |
           128    |   3.9991968E+00  |
           256    |   3.9997992E+00  |
           512    |   3.9999498E+00  |
          1024    |   3.9999875E+00  |
          2048    |   3.9999969E+00  |
          4096    |   3.9999992E+00  |
          8192    |   3.9999998E+00  |
         16384    |   4.0000000E+00  |
         32768    |   4.0000000E+00  |
         65536    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        131072    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        262144    |   4.0000000E+00  |
        524288    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       1048576    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       2097152    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       4194304    |   4.0000000E+00  |
       8388608    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      16777216    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      33554432    |   4.0000000E+00  |
      67108864    |   4.0000000E+00  |

CPU Time = 5.875000 seconds

    Note: While the large improvement in execution time (unoptimized to optimized program) in this example might not be typical for all programs, you should be able to improve the execution time for programs running on Intel processors by choosing to optimize your compiled output.  Note also that the Intel Fortran compiler optimizes programs at an -O2 level by default.

Using the Compiler on Your Own

The procedures in this Getting Started guide show you how to compile, apply/remove optimization, provide arguments, and monitor the output of the example program.  If you have an existing source program, there should be no problem in substituting your source file for the example and running it. 

Where from Here?

The examples provided in this Getting Started guide are only an introduction to the capabilities of the Intel Fortran compiler.

A Documentation Index file is available that provides links to all of the documentation included with the product.  Refer to the doc_index.htm file.

If you would like more in-depth training on Intel compilers, a Web-based training tutorial on using Intel compilers for software development is included with this product.   Refer to Enhancing Performance with Intel Compilers  located at:

Refer to the product Release Notes document for information about Technical Support and any Limitations that apply to the product.

You can find out about other Intel software development products through the Intel web site at:

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document or any software that may be provided in association with this document. This document and the software described in it are furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. The information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation.


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