WRF Oregon Expansion Tests
Possible Domains
oregon15 drops 36-km domain and expands 12 to 36 and 4 to 12
oregon17 expands 12 and 36
Table 1. Standard Plots
Cases (control click to select multiple)
Choose a date:
12Z Oct 4, 2016
Choose a domain
36-km only slp and pcp24
12-km only slp and pcp24
4-km only slp
1 1/3-km, domain 4, only oregon13 suite
All products
24-hour Precip
Western WA SLP
Western WA 24-hour Precip
Integrated Cloud
Low clouds sfc to 3000 feet
Low clouds 3 - 10Kft
Middle clouds 10-20Kft
High clouds about 20Kft
Western WA Surface RH
Surface RH (limited availability)
500mb Vorticity
3-hour Precip
Western WA 3-hour Precip
Snow Cover
Water equivalent Snow Depth
Surface Temp
Western WA Surface Temp
Surface Wind Speed
Western WA Surface Wind Speed
PBL Height
Western WA PBL Height
-- Upper Levels ------
850mb Heights/Temp
Western WA 850mb Heights/Temp
700mb Omega
Western WA 700mb Omega
-- Cross Sections ------
Map of Cross Sections
cx1 - W - E Strait of Juan de Fuca
cx3 - S - N Tacoma to Bellingham
cx5 - W - E Olympics to Cascades through N. Seattle
cx7 - NW - SE Bremerton through Stampede Pass
cx8 - SW - NE over Mt Rainier from near Toledo towards Easton
cx_ns - N - S Offshore along 125.11W from 48.66N to 46.94N
cx_ns_wsp N - S Offshore along 125.11W from 48.66N to 46.94N
cx_ns2 - N - S Offshore along 124.49W from 48.45N to 46.5N
cx_ns3 - N - S Offshore along 124.4W from 47.5N to 46.5N
Hour 0
Hour 12
Hour 24
Hour 36
Hour 48
Hour 60
Hour 72
All hours
All Cases
current real-time
oregon13 - all domains together
oregon13 - d4ndown 10-min
oregon13 - d4ndown 30-min
oregon13 - d4ndown 60-min
oregon15 - no 36-km domain
oregon17 - expanded 36 and 12-km domains
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