4/3-km Simulations of WRF version 3.1.1 for Cases Nov 2009-Jan 2010

The Problems

Winds are too strong over the land. Daytime high temperatures over the Intermountain West are too cold.

Working on Solutions

To help fix these, several approaches have been tried:
1) turning off the Noah LSM
2) modifying surface friction through roughness length or vertical diffusion
3) modifying the roughness length or friction velocity based upon the variance (36-km variance WA 36-km variance, 12-km variance, WA 12-km variance) of the subgrid scale terrain.

Click here for the statistics and plots that use lowest sigma level temperatures and winds instead of the PBL-scheme 2-m and 10-m values.

The loops in this table illustrate the attempts and how they impact the simulations.

Table 1. Standard Plots

InitializationDomainProductHourCases (control click to select multiple)
00Z Jan 7, 2010 is a really bad case for standard runs
Obs: 21Z Oct 25, 2010
Obs: 0Z Oct 26, 2010

Table 2. Geographic, Mean Statistics, and New Frequency Distribution Plots

PeriodFieldStatisticHourStation GroupCases (control click to select multiple)
Choose a Period:
Jan 1 - Feb 8 2010
Choose a field:
2-m Temp
2-m Dewpoint Temp
10-m Wind Direction
10-m Wind Speed
Mean or Bias
Mean Absolute Error
Root Mean Square Error
Std Dev of Error

Scatter Plots
Scatterplot ME
Scatterplot MAE
Scatterplot RMS
Scatterplot Std Dev

David's Frequency Distribution Plots
Frequency Distribution
Init 0, FHr 24
Init 0, FHr 12
All sites
All sites, speeds >= 3 knots
All sites, speeds <= 3 knots
All sites, speeds >= 20 knots
SA sites
SA sites, speeds >= 3 knots
Buoys, speeds >= 3 knots
- Below, compare 2m/10m to lowest sigma -
All sites 2m/10m vs lowest
All sites, speeds >= 3 knots 2m/10m vs lowest
All sites, speeds <= 3 knots 2m/10m vs lowest
All sites, speeds >= 20 knots 2m/10m vs lowest
SA sites 2m/10m vs lowest
SA sites, speeds >= 3 knots 2m/10m vs lowest
Buoys 2m/10m vs lowest
Buoys, speeds >= 3 knots 2m/10m vs lowest

Plot type:
Geographic Loop
Bar Chart
Bar Chart for all Station Groups
Bar Chart for all Fields, both hours, and all Station Groups
Bar Chart for all Fields, both hours, all Station Groups, and all Seasons
Time series table at a site
(does not work with the All Cases option)
Time series plot at a site
(use no more than 7 cases)

Old Wind Speed frequency distribution plots

Stability Plots

Case Name(s)
namelist.input file
namelist.input diff from std
1. wrfv221simple
WRF version 2.2.1 with Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization, simple ice physics, YSU PBL, Noah LSM, and RRTM longwave and Dudhia shortwave radiation
2. wrfv311iceland
diff from wrfv221simple
WRF version 3.1.1 with Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization, Thompson microphysics, YSU PBL, Noah LSM, and RRTM longwave and Dudhia shortwave radiation
3. wrfv35rrtmg
diff from wrfv311iceland
WRF version 3.5 with Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization, Thompson microphysics, YSU PBL, Noah LSM, and RRTMG longwave and shortwave radiation
4. wrfv37
diff from wrfv35rrtmg
WRF version 3.7 with Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization, Thompson microphysics, YSU PBL, Noah LSM, and RRTMG longwave and shortwave radiation (same as wrfv35rrtmg, just newer version of WRF)

Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for wind speeds >= 3 knots
 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations >= 3 knots
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m         11.68 50.41 69.25 68.26    8386  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m         14.31 50.57 69.03 67.54    8386  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.39 47.63 66.08 65.55    8386  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.34 48.39 66.77 66.12    8386  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          0.72  3.87  5.29  5.24    8526  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          0.73  3.79  5.16  5.11    8526  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m         -0.36  3.44  4.78  4.77    8526  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          0.35  3.56  4.97  4.96    8526  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -1.09  4.30  5.76  5.65    8323  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.41  4.11  5.72  5.71    8323  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.42  4.17  5.78  5.77    8323  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.05  4.17  5.70  5.70    8323  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.08  4.13  5.83  5.83    8207  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.52  3.71  5.20  4.97    8207  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           2.32  3.97  5.53  5.02    8207  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.27  3.84  5.66  5.52    8207  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.42  2.33  3.50  3.20    6793  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.72  2.39  3.56  3.12    6793  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.97  2.52  3.67  3.10    6793  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.22  2.66  3.78  3.06    6793  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 am PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations >= 3 knots
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m         15.41 49.50 67.29 65.50    7216  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         18.21 50.06 67.75 65.26    7216  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.57 45.69 63.30 62.58    7216  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         11.06 46.74 64.42 63.47    7216  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          1.47  4.08  5.54  5.35    7332  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.39  3.99  5.42  5.24    7332  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          0.31  3.57  4.95  4.94    7332  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          0.91  3.68  5.10  5.02    7332  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m             1.30  4.65  6.54  6.41    7193  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             3.11  4.72  6.66  5.89    7193  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.95  4.16  5.91  5.83    7193  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.50  4.26  6.01  5.99    7193  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.37  4.77  9.25  9.25    7067  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           2.83  4.71  6.74  6.11    7067  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           2.16  4.43  6.30  5.92    7067  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m          -0.04  4.41  8.69  8.69    7067  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.55  2.16  2.91  2.46    5929  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.24  2.54  3.39  2.55    5929  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.19  2.53  3.38  2.58    5929  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.51  2.77  3.55  2.51    5929  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for BUOYS >= 3 knots
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          8.37 25.82 39.20 38.33     648  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.15 26.64 41.32 40.32     648  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.64 25.71 40.18 39.27     648  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.57 26.96 41.26 40.39     648  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          1.69  4.11  5.47  5.20     686  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.25  4.41  5.76  5.30     686  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.23  3.92  5.22  5.08     686  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.66  4.11  5.50  5.24     686  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -0.37  1.10  1.45  1.41     647  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.26  1.03  1.40  1.38     647  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.12  1.06  1.44  1.43     647  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.25  1.07  1.42  1.40     647  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.22  1.34  1.85  1.86      38  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.20  1.15  1.52  1.53      38  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.48  1.22  1.59  1.54      38  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.08  1.01  1.34  1.35      38  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp             0.27  1.50  2.02  2.00     646  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.17  1.21  1.61  1.60     646  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.37  1.24  1.63  1.59     646  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.83  1.48  2.03  1.85     646  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 am PST) 12-km verification statistics for BUOYS >= 3 knots
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          7.42 24.00 37.83 37.13     640  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.35 23.12 35.16 33.92     640  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          5.54 22.61 34.75 34.33     640  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          7.12 24.28 38.78 38.15     640  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          1.55  3.59  4.68  4.42     677  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.95  3.85  4.93  4.53     677  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.31  3.41  4.42  4.22     677  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.72  3.72  4.85  4.54     677  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m             0.02  0.99  1.34  1.34     666  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.60  1.09  1.49  1.37     666  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.27  1.04  1.39  1.37     666  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.34  1.02  1.38  1.34     666  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.34  1.36  1.68  1.67      37  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.15  1.34  1.66  1.68      37  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.38  1.44  1.70  1.68      37  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m          -0.02  1.40  1.71  1.73      37  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp             0.03  1.09  1.39  1.39     635  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.39  0.91  1.16  1.10     635  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.46  0.96  1.24  1.15     635  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.97  1.32  1.69  1.38     635  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations >= 3 knots
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          9.32 51.27 69.80 69.17   31132  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m         12.09 51.69 69.93 68.88   31132  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          7.18 49.54 67.84 67.46   31132  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.42 50.30 68.58 68.06   31132  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          2.20  4.42  5.95  5.53   31445  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.26  4.40  5.92  5.47   31445  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.12  3.81  5.25  5.13   31445  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.81  4.04  5.54  5.24   31445  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -2.23  4.32  6.06  5.63   30439  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.51  4.21  6.17  5.98   30439  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.33  4.23  6.16  6.01   30439  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.87  4.18  6.00  5.94   30439  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -0.71  4.15  5.90  5.86   27688  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.76  3.74  5.44  5.39   27688  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.69  3.95  5.72  5.46   27688  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.87  3.98  6.50  6.44   27688  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.22  2.20  3.30  3.07    8232  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.54  2.21  3.33  2.95    8232  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.78  2.33  3.44  2.94    8232  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.08  2.52  3.59  2.92    8232  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations >= 3 knots
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m         12.39 49.93 67.69 66.55   26416  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         15.39 50.84 68.27 66.52   26416  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          7.35 47.41 65.00 64.58   26416  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.27 48.01 65.73 65.21   26416  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          2.78  4.78  6.35  5.71   26689  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.77  4.72  6.26  5.62   26689  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.70  4.13  5.60  5.34   26689  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.26  4.32  5.82  5.37   26689  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m            -0.53  4.16  6.10  6.07   25536  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             1.19  4.00  5.96  5.84   25536  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.69  3.89  5.77  5.73   25536  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.10  4.05  5.93  5.83   25536  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -0.74  4.59  8.60  8.57   22892  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.41  4.29  6.29  6.13   22892  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.03  4.15  6.08  5.99   22892  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m          -0.94  4.48  8.75  8.70   22892  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.28  2.02  2.85  2.55    7304  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.93  2.33  3.25  2.61    7304  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.90  2.33  3.25  2.63    7304  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.25  2.59  3.43  2.58    7304  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for all wind speeds
 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m         13.63 64.18 83.67 82.55   11497  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m         13.67 64.06 83.32 82.20   11497  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m         11.00 60.95 80.30 79.55   11497  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m         11.67 62.01 81.35 80.51   11497  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          1.94  4.26  5.80  5.46   11644  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.84  4.09  5.49  5.17   11644  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          0.82  3.62  4.91  4.84   11644  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.55  3.90  5.26  5.02   11644  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -0.82  4.42  5.89  5.83   11601  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.13  4.33  6.00  6.00   11601  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.05  4.33  5.97  5.97   11601  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.40  4.31  5.91  5.89   11601  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.12  4.31  5.97  5.97   11362  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.75  3.95  5.53  5.25   11362  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           2.61  4.26  5.92  5.32   11362  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.56  4.08  6.12  5.91   11362  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.76  2.53  3.69  3.24    9470  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.12  2.66  3.86  3.22    9470  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.36  2.80  3.98  3.20    9470  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.58  2.94  4.06  3.14    9470  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 am PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m         18.77 67.53 86.43 84.37   10913  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         19.22 68.17 86.91 84.76   10913  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         15.73 63.84 82.60 81.09   10913  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         16.50 64.71 83.47 81.82   10913  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          2.93  4.67  6.25  5.53   11036  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.67  4.41  5.81  5.17   11036  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.74  3.93  5.23  4.93   11036  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.44  4.28  5.63  5.08   11036  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m             1.93  5.06  7.11  6.85   11064  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             3.77  5.25  7.37  6.33   11064  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             1.73  4.56  6.49  6.26   11064  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             1.32  4.60  6.51  6.37   11064  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.50  5.10  9.24  9.22   10791  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           3.17  5.17  7.41  6.69   10791  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           2.51  4.89  6.99  6.53   10791  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.29  4.72  8.53  8.52   10791  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.81  2.33  3.33  2.80    9078  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.53  2.79  3.87  2.92    9078  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.48  2.76  3.85  2.94    9078  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.77  2.99  3.99  2.88    9078  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for BUOYS
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          7.81 28.82 44.14 43.47     690  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.00 29.83 46.29 45.44     690  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.11 28.73 44.93 44.02     690  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.26 29.97 46.12 45.41     690  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          1.86  4.15  5.51  5.19     727  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.43  4.47  5.83  5.30     727  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.43  3.97  5.28  5.08     727  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.89  4.20  5.62  5.30     727  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -0.38  1.14  1.50  1.45     687  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.29  1.06  1.44  1.41     687  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.15  1.09  1.47  1.46     687  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.27  1.10  1.46  1.43     687  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.26  1.35  1.84  1.85      39  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.26  1.19  1.57  1.56      39  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.54  1.26  1.63  1.56      39  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.15  1.05  1.38  1.39      39  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp             0.27  1.48  2.00  1.99     685  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.20  1.20  1.60  1.59     685  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.40  1.24  1.64  1.59     685  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.84  1.48  2.03  1.85     685  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 am PST) 12-km verification statistics for BUOYS
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          7.06 25.10 39.61 39.01     665  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.04 24.13 36.92 35.83     665  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          5.13 23.73 36.53 36.20     665  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          6.94 25.51 40.78 40.22     665  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          1.78  3.75  4.94  4.62     704  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.16  3.99  5.15  4.68     704  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.53  3.55  4.65  4.39     704  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          1.92  3.84  5.06  4.69     704  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m             0.04  1.00  1.37  1.37     693  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.63  1.12  1.53  1.40     693  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.30  1.06  1.42  1.39     693  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.37  1.03  1.40  1.35     693  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m           0.35  1.32  1.65  1.63      39  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.18  1.31  1.64  1.65      39  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.40  1.41  1.67  1.65      39  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m          -0.00  1.38  1.68  1.70      39  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp             0.02  1.07  1.37  1.38     659  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.41  0.91  1.16  1.09     659  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.47  0.96  1.24  1.15     659  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.98  1.32  1.68  1.36     659  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          9.31 67.69 86.30 85.80   52180  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m         10.57 68.12 86.62 85.97   52180  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.26 66.08 84.74 84.34   52180  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.62 66.84 85.48 85.04   52180  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          3.39  4.75  6.28  5.29   52406  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          3.33  4.64  6.12  5.13   52406  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          2.32  3.97  5.31  4.78   52406  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          3.01  4.36  5.74  4.89   52406  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -2.76  4.76  6.49  5.88   66793  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -2.30  4.79  6.83  6.43   66793  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.97  4.67  6.64  6.34   66793  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.43  4.51  6.31  6.14   66793  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -0.94  4.31  6.09  6.02   48466  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.76  3.88  5.60  5.55   48466  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.74  4.06  5.86  5.60   48466  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.96  4.06  6.54  6.47   48466  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.52  2.44  3.61  3.27   11118  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.89  2.52  3.72  3.21   11118  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.12  2.65  3.84  3.20   11118  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.38  2.82  3.95  3.16   11118  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m         13.64 69.73 87.85 86.79   50257  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         14.38 70.30 88.20 87.02   50257  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         11.05 66.99 85.16 84.44   50257  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         11.60 67.42 85.58 84.79   50257  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          4.27  5.35  6.85  5.35   50464  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          4.09  5.14  6.56  5.13   50464  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          3.20  4.50  5.82  4.86   50464  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          3.82  4.91  6.21  4.90   50464  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m            -0.52  4.66  6.51  6.49   65542  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             1.06  4.50  6.43  6.35   65542  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.61  4.35  6.21  6.18   65542  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.03  4.51  6.36  6.27   65542  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -0.87  4.83  9.01  8.97   46145  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.49  4.49  6.56  6.38   46145  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.10  4.37  6.36  6.27   46145  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m          -0.93  4.69  9.19  9.14   46145  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.51  2.25  3.39  3.03   10691  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.21  2.64  3.83  3.12   10691  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.17  2.62  3.81  3.14   10691  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.48  2.87  3.96  3.09   10691  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for wind speeds <= 3 knots
 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          8.98 85.62 101.00 100.60   29065  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.59 86.05 101.45 101.09   29065  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          9.11 84.07 99.61 99.20   29065  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.57 84.72 100.28 99.91   29065  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          4.79  5.00  6.56  4.48   29327  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          4.59  4.78  6.24  4.24   29327  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          3.74  3.97  5.24  3.67   29327  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          4.43  4.57  5.85  3.82   29327  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -2.11  4.71  6.45  6.10   29076  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.45  4.72  6.81  6.65   29076  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.89  4.52  6.49  6.43   29076  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.28  4.43  6.27  6.26   29076  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -1.20  4.54  6.32  6.20   27740  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.77  4.05  5.82  5.77   27740  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.82  4.24  6.10  5.82   27740  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.05  4.22  6.80  6.71   27740  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp            -2.24  2.81  4.08  3.41    3980  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.75  3.07  4.41  3.44    3980  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.98  3.24  4.54  3.43    3980  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -3.11  3.36  4.58  3.36    3980  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m         13.92 86.02 101.22 100.26   30860  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         12.96 86.27 101.42 100.59   30860  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         13.04 83.08 98.46 97.60   30860  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m         13.43 83.47 98.85 97.93   30860  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m          5.66  5.78  7.21  4.47   31132  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          5.32  5.44  6.77  4.19   31132  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          4.58  4.72  5.92  3.74   31132  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m          5.27  5.34  6.46  3.74   31132  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m             0.86  4.82  6.74  6.69   30787  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             2.68  4.88  6.89  6.35   30787  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             1.00  4.27  6.18  6.10   30787  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m             0.63  4.32  6.23  6.20   30787  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -1.04  5.09  9.51  9.45   29098  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.54  4.67  6.80  6.62   29098  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           1.12  4.57  6.62  6.53   29098  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m          -0.96  4.89  9.44  9.39   29098  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp            -1.89  2.47  3.85  3.35    4590  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.69  3.03  4.41  3.49    4590  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.61  2.98  4.37  3.51    4590  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -2.87  3.19  4.49  3.46    4590  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for wind speeds >= 20 knots
 24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          5.01 22.74 35.89 35.56    1135  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.83 23.23 36.66 35.59    1135  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          3.50 22.09 35.01 34.85    1135  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dir10m          5.23 22.94 35.95 35.58    1135  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

wsp10m         -5.99  7.60 10.08  8.11    1154  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m         -5.01  7.24  9.72  8.33    1154  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m         -6.49  8.04 10.58  8.36    1154  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
wsp10m         -5.99  7.84 10.34  8.44    1154  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

t2m            -1.13  2.83  4.30  4.15     967  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.29  2.43  3.70  3.69     967  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.68  2.64  4.02  3.97     967  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.57  2.74  4.14  4.10     967  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -0.30  2.85  3.94  3.93     691  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.18  2.86  4.10  4.10     691  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.60  2.84  3.99  3.94     691  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.15  3.06  4.31  4.31     691  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

slp             0.19  1.96  2.60  2.60     549  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.07  1.72  2.27  2.27     549  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.30  1.71  2.25  2.24     549  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.88  1.89  2.54  2.39     549  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2

 12-hr Forecast 12 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations
Field            ME   MAE   RMS   STDEV  COUNT  Case

dir10m          3.32 24.69 38.33 38.21    1121  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          8.46 25.49 39.27 38.37    1121  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          0.29 23.38 36.39 36.41    1121  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dir10m          1.75 24.23 37.28 37.25    1121  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

wsp10m         -6.15  7.61 10.34  8.31    1140  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m         -5.15  7.25 10.08  8.66    1140  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m         -6.42  7.84 10.69  8.56    1140  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
wsp10m         -5.96  7.69 10.47  8.61    1140  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

t2m            -1.36  3.01  5.15  4.97     862  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m            -0.10  2.57  4.68  4.69     862  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.53  2.91  5.08  4.85     862  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
t2m            -1.78  3.14  5.33  5.02     862  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

dew2m          -0.38  3.38  5.84  5.84     589  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.38  3.44  5.90  5.89     589  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m           0.13  3.46  5.83  5.84     589  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
dew2m          -1.03  3.63  6.10  6.02     589  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

slp            -0.41  1.56  2.06  2.02     534  wrfv221simpled2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.60  1.36  1.78  1.68     534  wrfv311icelandd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -0.75  1.46  1.91  1.76     534  wrfv35rrtmgd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2
slp            -1.43  1.93  2.41  1.94     534  wrfv37d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.12.diffs.stats2

Description of WRF namelist options.