WRF Stagnation Events

Table 1. Plots


Table 2. Geographic, Mean Statistics, and New Frequency Distribution Plots

PeriodFieldStatisticHourStation GroupCases (control click to select multiple)
Choose a Period:
Nov 9 2018
Choose a field:
2-m Temp
2-m Dewpoint Temp
10-m Wind Direction
10-m Wind Speed
Mean or Bias
Mean Absolute Error
Root Mean Square Error
Std Dev of Error

Scatter Plots
Scatterplot ME
Scatterplot MAE
Scatterplot RMS
Scatterplot Std Dev

David's Frequency Distribution Plots
Frequency Distribution
Init 0, FHr 24
Init 0, FHr 12
Init 0, FHr 15
Init 0, FHr 21
All sites
All sites, speeds >= 3 knots
All sites, speeds <= 3 knots
SA sites
SA sites, speeds >= 3 knots

Plot type:
Geographic Loop
Bar Chart
Bar Chart for all Station Groups
Bar Chart for all Fields, both hours, and all Station Groups Now works
Bar Chart for all Fields, all hours, and all Station Groups Now works
Time series table at a site
(does not work with the All Cases option)
Time series plot at a site
(use no more than 7 cases)