Initialization | Domain | Product | Hour | Cases (control click to select multiple) |
Period | Field | Statistic | Hour | Station Group | Cases (control click to select multiple) |
Period | Field | Statistic | Hour | Station Group | Cases (control click to select multiple) |
Field | Fhr | MAE for All Levels and Seasons | Case |
temp | 12 | 1.93123411978221 | wrfv403hybd2 |
temp | 12 | 1.941222323049 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
temp | 12 | 1.94135617059891 | wrfv403d2 |
temp | 12 | 1.96639836660617 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
temp | 24 | 2.11415091294725 | wrfv403d2 |
temp | 24 | 2.11650728513464 | wrfv403hybd2 |
temp | 24 | 2.13542384212832 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
temp | 24 | 2.18877988059289 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
dew | 12 | 9.10946641074856 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
dew | 12 | 9.21808368522073 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
dew | 12 | 9.27057274472169 | wrfv403d2 |
dew | 12 | 9.27793013435701 | wrfv403hybd2 |
dew | 24 | 9.37701853405537 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
dew | 24 | 9.48304934787583 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
dew | 24 | 9.55033407062772 | wrfv403hybd2 |
dew | 24 | 9.55405766150561 | wrfv403d2 |
rh | 12 | 12.0931071017274 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
rh | 12 | 12.1539769673704 | wrfv403d2 |
rh | 12 | 12.1614203454894 | wrfv403hybd2 |
rh | 12 | 12.1965765834933 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
rh | 24 | 12.4747364808176 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
rh | 24 | 12.5264350545344 | wrfv403hybd2 |
rh | 24 | 12.5714682327816 | wrfv403d2 |
rh | 24 | 12.5890206696667 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
wsp | 12 | 4.91773786848073 | wrfv403d2 |
wsp | 12 | 4.92250884353741 | wrfv403hybd2 |
wsp | 12 | 4.92994376417234 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
wsp | 12 | 4.93558639455782 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
wsp | 24 | 5.20041291273992 | wrfv403d2 |
wsp | 24 | 5.21111615475011 | wrfv403hybd2 |
wsp | 24 | 5.23433235788843 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
wsp | 24 | 5.23649623263209 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
dir | 12 | 23.3474684807256 | wrfv403d2 |
dir | 12 | 23.3582240362812 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
dir | 12 | 23.363525170068 | wrfv403hybd2 |
dir | 12 | 23.4932766439909 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
dir | 24 | 24.1222309269799 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
dir | 24 | 24.1377485656351 | wrfv403hybd2 |
dir | 24 | 24.3411518698588 | wrfv403d2 |
dir | 24 | 24.4422394525219 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
hgt | 12 | 85.016822675737 | wrfv403hybd2 |
hgt | 12 | 85.0485931972789 | wrfv403d2 |
hgt | 12 | 85.1481854875284 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
hgt | 12 | 85.2643505668934 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
hgt | 24 | 161.110469650182 | wrfv403d2 |
hgt | 24 | 161.138570539706 | wrfv403hybd2 |
hgt | 24 | 161.306540384837 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
hgt | 24 | 161.657116753842 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
Field | MAE for All Levels, Hours, and Seasons | Case |
temp | 2.05408493334964 | wrfv403hybd2 |
temp | 2.05593279931515 | wrfv403d2 |
temp | 2.06999434397787 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
temp | 2.11386068693539 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
dew | 9.24368265993266 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
dew | 9.35100244872972 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
dew | 9.41278160391797 | wrfv403d2 |
dew | 9.41458027242118 | wrfv403hybd2 |
rh | 12.2845496632997 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
rh | 12.3445282369146 | wrfv403hybd2 |
rh | 12.3634094735231 | wrfv403d2 |
rh | 12.3934442913988 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
wsp | 5.10517868875002 | wrfv403d2 |
wsp | 5.11388332900426 | wrfv403hybd2 |
wsp | 5.13321761982612 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
wsp | 5.13368378432062 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
dir | 23.8648342984614 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
dir | 23.8769099604272 | wrfv403hybd2 |
dir | 24.0063764152241 | wrfv403d2 |
dir | 24.1225305199468 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
hgt | 135.48299614938 | wrfv403d2 |
hgt | 135.490924607298 | wrfv403hybd2 |
hgt | 135.646952555581 | wrfv403nhcd2 |
hgt | 135.920123149322 | wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2 |
Case Name(s) namelist.input file namelist.input diff from std |
Description |
1. UW WRF-GFS std namelist.input | current standard run, with Kain-Frisch |
2. wrfapr08 namelist.input diff from std |
version 2.1.1 for dates prior to 12Z Jan 1, 2009 v3.0.1.1, after then standard apr08 version |
3. wrfv311stauffer2 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, halved vertical mixing coefficients K, no KF, no 6th order diffusion, new Q nudging |
4. wrfv311stauffer3 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1/4 vertical mixing coefficients K, no KF, no 6th order diffusion, new Q nudging |
5. wrfv311ustar3 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Increased ustar (friction velocity) by factor of 2 only over land, no 6th order diffusion, new Q nudging |
6. wrfv311ustar4 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Increased ustar (friction velocity) by factor of 1.5 only over land, no 6th order diffusion, new Q nudging |
7. wrfv311ovens1 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Combination of wrfv311stauffer2 wrfv311ustar4: 1/2 vertical mixing coefficients and 1.5 times increase in ustar (friction velocity) only over land, no 6th order diffusion, new Q nudging |
8. wrfv311u3s2 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Combination of wrfv311stauffer2 wrfv311ustar3: 1/2 vertical mixing coefficients and 2 times increase in ustar (friction velocity) only over land, no 6th order diffusion, new Q nudging |
9. wrfv311u3s2oldlsm1 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Combination of wrfv311stauffer2 wrfv311ustar3: 1/2 vertical mixing coefficients and 2 times increase in ustar (friction velocity) only over land and some modifications attempting to use older Noah LSM, no 6th order diffusion, new Q nudging |
10. wrfv311oldqn namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Older (apr08) nudging coefficients of moisture and temperature fields |
11. wrfv311modis namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Used new high-resolution MODIS landuse. Compare landuse for 36-km domain, 12-km domain, 4-km domain, 4/3-km domain. Compare landuse for zoomed in area over Puget Sound 12-km, 4-km, 4/3-km. A tabular comparison of landuse categories is found here. |
12. wrfv311nolsm namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, Removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. |
12b. wrfv311lsm namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, WRF version 3.1.1 and Noah LSM. |
13. wrfv311u4nolsm namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.5 times increase in ustar (friction velocity) only over land (ustar4) and removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. |
14. wrfv311sfz2 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 2 times increase in roughness length SFZ0 over land and water, PLUS 1.5 times increase in ustar (friction velocity) only over land (ustar4), plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. |
15. wrfv311sfz3 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.5 times increase in roughness length SFZ0 over land and water, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. |
16. wrfv311sfz4 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.25 times increase in roughness length SFZ0 over land, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. |
17. wrfv311sfztervarnolsm aka wrfv311sfztervarnolsnamelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, roughness length SFZ0 modified over land using terrain variance, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. Linear Formula applied to variances >= 25: sfz0*min(10.0,var*8/475 + 30/19) Formula plot |
18. wrfv311sfz5 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, roughness length SFZ0 modified over land using terrain variance, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. Linear Formula applied to variances >= 1: sfz0*min(8.0,var*6/475 + 32/19) Formula plot |
19. wrfv311sfz6 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, roughness length SFZ0 modified over land using terrain variance, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. Linear Formula applied to variances >= 1: sfz0*min(8.0,var*8/475 + 30/19) Formula plot |
20. wrfv311sfz7 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, roughness length SFZ0 modified over land using simple factor of 7.5 increase, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. Formula = sfz0 * 7.5 NOTE: this case had stability problems and missed 4 runs |
21. wrfv311sfz8 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, roughness length SFZ0 modified over land using terrain variance, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. Linear Formula applied to variances >= 1: sfz0*min(8.0,var*4/381.25 + 4) Formula plot |
22. wrfv311ustar5 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, friction velocity, ustar, modified over land using terrain variance, plus removed Noah LSM and used thermal diffusion scheme. Linear Formula applied to ustar based on variance: var >= 0, max(1,min(3,var*2/500+0.65)) Formula plot |
23. wrfv311sfz9 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, same as case wrfv311sfz8 except that the roughness length SFZ0 modification over land is linearly decreased as wind speeds increase Linear Formula applied to variances >= 1: sfz0*z0fac, z0fac = min(8.0,var*4/381.25 + 4) Linear Formula applied to wind speed >= 3 < 6 m/s: sfz0 = sfz0_original * (1 + (2 - wspd/3)*z0fac) for wind speeds >= 6, sfz0 = sfz0_original Formula plot |
24. wrfv311sfza namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, same as case wrfv311sfz8/9 except that the roughness length SFZ0 modification over land is linearly decreased as wind speeds increase Linear Formula applied to variances >= 1: sfz0*z0fac, z0fac = min(8.0,var*4/381.25 + 4) Linear Formula applied to wind speed >= 15 knots (7.717 m/s) < 20 knots (10.3 m/s): sfz0 = sfz0_original * (1 +(10.3 - wspd)/2.583*z0fac) for wind speeds >= 10.3 m/s, sfz0 = sfz0_original Formula plot |
25. wrfv311ustar6 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, double ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux only |
26. wrfv311ustar7 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.25 - 2. factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Linear Formula applied to variances >= 1: ustar*min(2.,var*0.75/381.25 + 1.25) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
27. wrfv311ustar62 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, double ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux only, but applied only over the land (same as ustar6 case, but not applied over ocean) |
28. wrfv311ustar72 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.8 - 2.2 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Linear Formula applied to variances >= 1: ustar*min(2.2,var*0.4/200. + 1.25) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
29. wrfv311ustar73 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 2.0 factor on ustar for variances < 20 and 1.65 factor on
ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Formula applied to variances < 20: ustar*2.0 >= 20: ustar*1.65 Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
30. wrfv311ustar74 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 2.0 factor on ustar for variances < 20 and 1.75 factor on
ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Formula applied to variances < 20: ustar*2.0 >= 20: ustar*1.75 Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
31. wrfv311ustar75 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 2.2 factor on ustar for variances < 9, linearly
increasing from 1.5 to 1.65 for variances > 9 and < 80, then a
constant 1.65 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux for variances
> 80. Again, applied only over land Formula applied to variances <= 9: ustar*2.2 >9 <80 ustar*(var-9)*.15/71.+1.5, variances >=80: ustar*1.65 Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
32. wrfv311ustar8 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 2.2 factor on ustar for wind speeds < 9 knots; 1.4 factor
on ustar for speeds >= 9 knots applied to ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Formula applied to wind speeds < 4.63 m/s: ustar*2.2; >=4.63: ustar*1.4 Formula plot |
33. wrfv311ustar81 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 2.2 factor on ustar for wind speeds < 11 knots; 1.4 factor
on ustar for speeds >= 11 knots applied to ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Formula applied to wind speeds < 5.65889 m/s: ustar*2.2; >=5.65889: ustar*1.4 Formula plot |
34. wrfv311ustar76 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.25 - 2.0 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Linear Formula applied to variances: ustar*min(2.0,var*0.75/200. + 1.25) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
35. wrfv311ustar77 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.25 - 1.65 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Linear Formula applied to variances: ustar*min(1.65,var*0.75/200. + 1.25) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
36. wrfv311ustar78 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.1 - 1.5 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Linear Formula applied to variances: ustar*min(1.5,var*0.4/200. + 1.1) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
37. wrfv311ustar79 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.25 - 1.65 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Slight difference from wrfv311ustar77 case Linear Formula applied to variances: ustar*min(1.65,var*0.4/200. + 1.25) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
38. wrfv311ustar71 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.175 - 1.575 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Slight difference from wrfv311ustar77 case Linear Formula applied to variances: ustar*min(1.575,var*0.4/200. + 1.175) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
38. wrfv311ustar7a namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.1 - 1.35 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Slight difference from wrfv311ustar78 case Linear Formula applied to variances: ustar*min(1.35,var*0.25/200. + 1.1) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
40. wrfv311ustar71ri namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.175 - 1.575 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Same as wrfv311ustar71 case except for Richardson number modification Linear Formula applied to variances: vfac = ustar*min(1.575,var*0.4/200. + 1.175) Additional Scaling based on Richardson number (br): br >= 1.0, stable, vfac as above br < 0.25, unstable, vfac is turned off, set to 1.0 0.25 <= br < 1.0 : vfac = 1 + (vfac - 1)*(4/3*br - 1/3) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
41. wrfv311ustar71pbl115 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.175 - 1.575 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Same as wrfv311ustar71 case except for PBL height modification Linear Formula applied to variances: vfac = ustar*min(1.575,var*0.4/200. + 1.175) Additional Scaling based on PBL height (pblh): pblh < 1000m vfac as above 1000 <= pblh < 1500 vfac = 1 + (vfac-1)*(3-pblh/500) pblh > 1500, vfac = 1.0 (turned off) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
42. wrfv311ustar71pbl51 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.175 - 1.575 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Same as wrfv311ustar71 case except for PBL height modification Linear Formula applied to variances: vfac = ustar*min(1.575,var*0.4/200. + 1.175) Additional Scaling based on PBL height (pblh): pblh < 500m vfac as above 500 <= pblh < 1000 vfac = 1 + (vfac-1)*(2-pblh/500) pblh > 1000, vfac = 1.0 (turned off) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
43. wrfv311ustar71wsp10x namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.175 - 1.575 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Same as wrfv311ustar71 case except for wind speed modification Linear Formula applied to variances: vfac = ustar*min(1.575,var*0.4/200. + 1.175) Additional Scaling based on surface wind speed (wsp) from 10-18 knots: wsp < 5.14 m/s (10 knots) vfac as above 5.14 <= wsp < 9.26 (18 knots) vfac = 1 + (vfac-1)*((9.26-wsp)/4.12) wsp >= 9.26, vfac = 1.0 (turned off) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
44. wrfv311ustar71stab namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.175 - 1.575 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Same as wrfv311ustar71 case except for stability over the lowest 500 m Linear Formula applied to variances: vfac = ustar*min(1.575,var*0.4/200. + 1.175) Additional Scaling based on 500 m stability (stab = theta-v at level closest to 500 m minus theta-v at surface): stab > .001 K/m vfac as above .0005 < stab <= .001 vfac = 1 + (vfac-1)*(stab - .0005/.0005) stab <= .0005 (K/m), vfac = 1.0 (turned off) Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
45. wrfv311ustar71stabws namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, 1.175 - 1.575 factor on ustar in PBL scheme momentum flux
only over land Combination of wrfv311ustar71wsp10x and wrfv311ustar71stab cases: Linear Formula applied to variances: vfac = ustar*min(1.575,var*0.4/200. + 1.175) Additional Scaling based on 500 m stability (stab = theta-v at level closest to 500 m minus theta-v at surface) and surface wind speed (wsp): stab <= .0005 (K/m), vfac = 1.0 (turned off) wsp >= 9.26 (18 knots), vfac = 1.0 (turned off) .0005 < stab <= .001 vfac = 1 + (vfac-1)*(stab - .0005/.0005) 5.14 <= wsp < 9.26 (18 knots) vfac = 1 + (vfac-1)*((9.26-wsp)/4.12) wsp < 5.14 m/s (10 knots) vfac as above stab > .001 K/m vfac as above Formula plot Zoomed in Formula plot |
46. wrfv311u71t14b3 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.1.1, ustar71 case with a model top at 50-mb (instead of 100mb), a 7-km deep Rayleigh damping layer at the top, and a more gradual increase in layer thickness |
47. wrfv34topow namelist.input diff from std |
v3.4 Spanish subgrid drag scheme |
48. wrfv341 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.4.1 code like case 46, with a model top at 50-mb, a 7-km deep Rayleigh damping layer at the top, and a more gradual increase in layer thickness |
49. wrfv341lsm namelist.input diff from std |
v3.4.1 code like case 48, except with Noah LSM instead of thermal diffusion |
50. wrfv341ustar71 namelist.input diff from std |
v3.4.1 code with our ustar71 mods like cases 46 and 48, with a model top at 50-mb, a 7-km deep Rayleigh damping layer at the top, and a more gradual increase in layer thickness |
51. wrfv341u71stabws namelist.input diff from std |
like case 45. wrfv311ustar71stabws but for WRF version 3.4.1 code and with a model top at 50-mb, a 7-km deep Rayleigh damping layer at the top, and a more gradual increase in layer thickness |
52. wrfv341frf namelist.input diff from std |
like case 48. wrfv341 but with Frank Freedman's modifications to YSU scheme with the aim to maintain low-level stable layers. |
53. wrfv341cu4 (oct12 configuration) namelist.input diff from std |
like case 48. wrfv341 but with cu_physics=4 Old GFS simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme instead of Kain-Fritsch. |
54. wrfv341cu4ruclsm namelist.input diff from std |
like case 53. wrfv341 with cu_physics=4 and RUC LSM instead of thermal diffusion scheme. |
55. wrfv341cu4rucrad namelist.input diff from std |
like case 54. wrfv341 with cu_physics=4 and RUC LSM except using RRTMG shortwave and longwave radiation schemes instead of RRTM longwave and Dudhia shortwave schemes. |
56. wrfv341cu4rad namelist.input diff from std |
like case 53. wrfv341 with cu_physics=4 except using RRTMG shortwave and longwave radiation schemes instead of RRTM longwave and Dudhia shortwave schemes. |
57. wrfv341kfnoah namelist.input diff from std |
like case 49. wrfv341lsm with except using NAM 221 snowcover instead of GFS snow cover |
58. wrfv341cu4noah namelist.input diff from std |
like case 53. wrfv341cu4 with cu_physics=4 except using Noah LSM. |
59. wrfv341cu4noahrad namelist.input diff from std |
like case 58. wrfv341 with cu_physics=4, Noah LSM and RRTMG shortwave and longwave radiation schemes instead of RRTM longwave and Dudhia shortwave schemes. |
60. wrfv341cu4noahmp namelist.input diff from std |
like case 58. wrfv341cu4 with cu_physics=4 except using the new Noah MP LSM. |
61. wrfv341cu4noahmprad namelist.input diff from std |
like case 60. wrfv341cu4 with cu_physics=4 with Noah MP LSM and RRTMG radiation -- this setup is problematic for the compilers to run. |
62. wrfv341cu4noahmpgrd namelist.input diff from std |
like case 61. wrfv341cu4 with cu_physics=4 with Noah MP LSM but with the new Goddard radiation schemes (ra_lw/sw_physics=5) which does not have the unstable code problems that RRTMG does. |
63. wrfv35cu4ysu2 namelist.input diff from std |
like case 53. wrfv341cu4 with for version 3.5 uses cu_physics=4 with thermal diffusion surface layer and a modified YSU PBL that removes the 3.4.1 code-modification for stable conditions. |
64. wrfv35cu4noahmpgrd namelist.input diff from std |
like case 61. wrfv35cu4 with cu_physics=4 with Noah MP LSM |
65. wrfv35cu4clmrad namelist.input diff from std |
version 3.5 cu_physics=4, RRTMG and CLM (Community Land Model
version 4) LSM. CLM4 "contains sophisticated treatment of biogeophysics, hydrology, biogeochemistry, and dynamic vegetation. In CLM4, the land surface in each model grid cell is characterized into five primary sub-grid land cover types (glacier, lake, wetland, urban, and vegetated). The vegetated sub-grid consists of up to 4 plant functional types (PFTs) that differ in physiology and structure. The WRF input land cover types are translated into the CLM4 PFTs through a look-up table. The CLM4 vertical structure includes a single-layer vegetation canopy, a five-layer snowpack, and a ten-layer soil column. An earlier version of CLM has been quantitatively evaluated within WRF in Jin and Wen (2012; JGR-Atmosphere), Lu and Kueppers (2012; JGR-Atmosphere), and Subin et al. (2011; Earth Interactions) (from Jin). New in Version 3.5." |
63b. wrfv35cu4newzssib namelist.input diff from std |
like wrfv35cu4 with cu_physics=4 but using the 3rd generation Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (SSiB) LSM: (description from the WRF User's Guide). SSiB is developed for land/atmosphere interaction studies in the climate model. The aerodynamic resistance values in SSiB are determined in terms of vegetation properties, ground conditions and bulk Richardson number according to the modified Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. SSiB-3 includes three snow layers to realistically simulate snow processes, including destructive metamorphism, densification process due to snow load, and snow melting, which substantially enhances the model's ability for the cold season study. To use this option, ra_lw_physics and ra_sw_physics should be set to either 1, 3, or 4. The second full model level should be set to no larger than 0.982 so that the height of that level is higher than vegetation height. New in Version 3.4. |
66. wrfv35cu4noahrad namelist.input diff from std |
version 3.5 cu_physics=4, RRTMG and Noah LSM |
68. wrfv35c4nrdiff0 namelist.input diff from std |
version 3.5 cu_physics=4, RRTMG and Noah LSM, but no turbulence or explicit numerical filters, i.e. diff_opt=0 |
69. wrfv35rucphys namelist.input diff from std |
version 3.5 with RUC/RAP physics options, Grell cumulus + shallow convection, MYJ PBL scheme, Janjic surface layer, RRTM + Goddard radiation, RUC LSM, 6th order diffusion, 5th order vertical advection |
70. wrfv361cu4noahmprad namelist.input diff from std |
version 3.6.1 with Noah MP, SAS convection, RRTMG, USGS landuse, and topographic shading only on the 36-km domain |
71. wrfv361noahrad namelist.input diff from std |
same as 66. wrfv35cu4noahrad sep13, but with version 3.6.1 |
72. wrfv361c4nmpradmyjd namelist.input |
version 3.6.1, Noah MP, SAS convection, RRTMG, MYJ PBL, 6th order diffusion. Like 70, but with MYJ instead of YSU PBL and with 6th order diffusion. |
73. wrfhrrr namelist.input |
WRF-HRRR, version 3.6.1, RUC LSM, Grell convection, RRTMG, MYNN PBL and surface layer, 6th order diffusion. |
74. wrfv361c4nmpmynn2 namelist.input |
WRF version 3.6.1, Noah MP LSM, SAS convection, RRTMG, MYNN PBL and surface layer, 6th order diffusion. |
75. wrfv361cu4 namelist.input |
(jan15 configuration) WRF version 3.6.1, Noah LSM, SAS convection, RRTMG, YSU PBL |
76. wrfv371grell namelist.input |
WRF version 3.7.1, Noah LSM, Grell convection, RRTMG, YSU PBL |
77. wrfv371grellnmp namelist.input |
WRF version 3.7.1, Noah-MP LSM, Grell convection, RRTMG, YSU PBL, MODIS land-use, and topographic shading on all domains |
77b. wrfv371grellnmp2 namelist.input |
WRF version 3.7.1, Noah-MP LSM, Grell convection, RRTMG, YSU PBL, MODIS land-use, and topographic shading on all domains, default values of dveg and opt_rad used |
77e. wrfv371grellnmp3 namelist.input |
WRF version 3.7.1, Noah-MP LSM, Grell convection, shallow convection, RRTMG, YSU PBL, MODIS land-use, monthly albedo, 6th order diffusion, 5th order vertical advection, default values of dveg and opt_rad used |
77f. wrfv371hrrr5 namelist.input |
just like wrfv371grellnmp3 but with RUC LSM and MODIS + LAKES land-use |
78. wrfv371ysudiff2n6 namelist.input |
nov16 setup: WRF 3.7.1, Noah-MP LSM, YSU, Grell-Freitas (cu=3), diffusion in 3D space (diff_opt=2), no 6th-order diffusion |
Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for wind speeds >= 3 knots | Statistics Jul 1-Aug 31 2008 for wind speeds >= 3 knots |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations >= 3 knots dir10m 7.79 46.38 64.46 63.99 8378 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 6.85 46.57 64.86 64.50 8378 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 8.06 46.64 64.86 64.36 8378 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 13.87 51.21 69.69 68.30 8378 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.86 3.34 4.74 4.66 8518 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.89 3.36 4.75 4.67 8518 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.84 3.35 4.75 4.68 8518 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 0.75 3.77 5.14 5.08 8518 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.11 3.67 4.98 4.98 8315 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.11 3.74 5.05 5.05 8315 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.83 3.84 5.15 5.08 8315 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.70 4.25 5.96 5.92 8315 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.04 3.49 4.90 4.90 8199 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -0.00 3.53 4.96 4.96 8199 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.37 3.60 4.97 4.96 8199 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 1.04 3.60 5.02 4.91 8199 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -1.64 2.32 3.49 3.08 6789 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -1.68 2.38 3.57 3.15 6789 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -1.73 2.42 3.62 3.17 6789 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -1.86 2.48 3.67 3.17 6789 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 5.34 30.88 98.39 98.26 5034 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 6.10 31.76 101.52 101.34 5034 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 9.19 33.55 102.52 102.12 5034 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 6.64 32.14 102.58 102.38 5034 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations >= 3 knots dir10m 4.70 42.05 58.66 58.47 16138 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 4.86 42.23 58.76 58.56 16138 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 4.71 42.31 58.91 58.72 16138 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 5.08 42.25 58.99 58.77 16138 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 4.85 42.66 59.29 59.09 16138 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 5.99 42.88 59.64 59.34 16138 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 6.39 43.73 60.51 60.18 16138 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 5.38 43.89 60.84 60.60 16138 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.88 3.31 4.37 4.28 16971 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.72 3.28 4.37 4.31 16971 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -1.07 3.29 4.39 4.26 16971 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.83 3.31 4.41 4.33 16971 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -1.01 3.31 4.41 4.30 16971 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -1.12 3.38 4.47 4.33 16971 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.63 3.38 4.49 4.45 16971 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -1.05 3.41 4.52 4.40 16971 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.07 3.58 4.78 4.78 16665 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.46 3.62 4.86 4.84 16665 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.68 3.74 4.91 4.86 16665 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.22 3.72 5.00 5.00 16665 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.73 3.81 5.06 5.01 16665 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.80 3.86 5.14 5.08 16665 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.36 3.83 5.18 5.16 16665 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -2.14 4.33 5.60 5.18 16665 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.56 4.63 6.22 6.20 16380 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -1.58 4.65 6.33 6.13 16380 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -1.54 4.69 6.35 6.16 16380 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -1.58 4.72 6.38 6.18 16380 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.22 4.83 6.44 6.44 16380 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.65 5.05 6.66 6.63 16380 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 1.39 5.12 6.74 6.60 16380 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 3.59 5.85 7.64 6.75 16380 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.21 1.39 1.81 1.80 13858 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.00 1.38 1.82 1.82 13858 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.13 1.40 1.85 1.84 13858 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.30 1.42 1.86 1.84 13858 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.25 1.43 1.86 1.84 13858 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.44 1.42 1.89 1.84 13858 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.45 1.48 1.92 1.87 13858 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -16.55 17.76 128.42 127.36 13858 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -2.61 12.24 84.36 84.32 9996 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -1.20 13.29 86.43 86.43 9996 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -0.97 13.71 87.48 87.48 9996 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -0.22 14.43 88.51 88.52 9996 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 1.03 14.87 88.54 88.54 9996 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -0.76 13.77 88.77 88.77 9996 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 2.07 15.85 91.39 91.37 9996 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 2.06 15.93 92.91 92.89 9996 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |
Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for all wind speeds | Statistics Jul 1-Aug 31 2008 for all wind speeds |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations dir10m 9.08 59.49 78.76 78.24 11488 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 8.25 59.63 79.02 78.59 11488 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 9.82 59.79 79.13 78.52 11488 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 13.77 64.73 83.99 82.86 11488 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 0.44 3.53 4.78 4.76 11635 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 0.43 3.55 4.80 4.78 11635 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 0.47 3.54 4.81 4.79 11635 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 1.87 4.09 5.47 5.15 11635 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.50 3.88 5.32 5.29 11592 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.47 3.93 5.33 5.31 11592 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.25 3.97 5.36 5.35 11592 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.47 4.48 6.24 6.22 11592 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.18 3.65 5.13 5.12 11353 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.14 3.67 5.17 5.17 11353 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.52 3.74 5.19 5.16 11353 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 1.20 3.82 5.33 5.19 11353 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.03 2.57 3.77 3.18 9465 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.09 2.65 3.87 3.26 9465 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.14 2.69 3.92 3.28 9465 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.26 2.76 3.97 3.27 9465 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 4.59 27.67 89.07 88.96 6817 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 5.32 28.62 92.22 92.07 6817 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 5.66 28.85 92.96 92.80 6817 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 8.26 30.42 93.50 93.14 6817 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for SA stations dir10m 2.91 45.30 62.51 62.44 17579 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.68 45.26 62.55 62.50 17579 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.67 45.54 62.77 62.72 17579 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.69 45.46 62.83 62.77 17579 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 4.18 45.69 62.98 62.84 17579 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.46 45.97 63.24 63.19 17579 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 4.45 46.53 63.78 63.63 17579 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 3.87 46.69 64.10 63.99 17579 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.60 3.42 4.51 4.47 18412 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.42 3.45 4.52 4.50 18412 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.25 3.43 4.52 4.51 18412 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.53 3.45 4.55 4.52 18412 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.36 3.45 4.56 4.55 18412 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.64 3.50 4.60 4.55 18412 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.57 3.54 4.65 4.61 18412 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -0.17 3.53 4.66 4.65 18412 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.09 3.60 4.82 4.82 18217 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.49 3.65 4.90 4.87 18217 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.67 3.74 4.91 4.86 18217 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.24 3.75 5.03 5.02 18217 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.78 3.83 5.09 5.03 18217 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.83 3.87 5.15 5.08 18217 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.34 3.84 5.18 5.17 18217 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -2.19 4.36 5.63 5.19 18217 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.52 4.62 6.20 6.18 17866 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -1.68 4.71 6.39 6.17 17866 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -1.64 4.74 6.41 6.20 17866 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -1.68 4.78 6.45 6.22 17866 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.15 4.85 6.46 6.46 17866 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.60 5.02 6.63 6.60 17866 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 1.35 5.09 6.71 6.57 17866 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 3.57 5.83 7.61 6.73 17866 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.21 1.40 1.82 1.81 15142 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.02 1.40 1.85 1.85 15142 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.13 1.41 1.86 1.85 15142 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.25 1.44 1.87 1.85 15142 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.28 1.44 1.88 1.86 15142 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.47 1.45 1.92 1.86 15142 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.45 1.50 1.94 1.88 15142 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -16.14 17.38 126.88 125.86 15142 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -2.14 12.86 85.21 85.19 10775 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -0.67 14.07 87.61 87.61 10775 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -0.36 14.57 89.06 89.07 10775 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 0.17 15.02 89.40 89.41 10775 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 1.37 15.58 89.65 89.65 10775 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -0.10 14.58 90.15 90.15 10775 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 2.63 16.57 92.34 92.31 10775 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 2.63 16.64 93.67 93.64 10775 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |
Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for wind speeds <= 3 knots | Statistics Jul 1-Aug 31 2008 for wind speeds <= 3 knots |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations dir10m 6.59 82.56 98.25 98.03 28533 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 6.94 82.73 98.41 98.17 28533 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 6.46 82.64 98.43 98.22 28533 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 8.53 86.18 101.57 101.21 28533 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 3.34 3.50 4.51 3.03 28794 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 3.42 3.59 4.70 3.22 28794 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 3.45 3.62 4.72 3.23 28794 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.69 4.87 6.29 4.19 28794 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.19 3.87 5.51 5.50 28545 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.39 3.96 5.62 5.61 28545 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.83 3.98 5.64 5.58 28545 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -1.71 4.91 7.14 6.93 28545 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.20 4.00 5.74 5.74 27212 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -0.24 3.99 5.81 5.80 27212 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -0.79 4.01 5.90 5.85 27212 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -0.69 4.02 5.97 5.93 27212 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.64 2.96 4.30 3.40 3979 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.72 3.05 4.42 3.48 3979 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.77 3.10 4.47 3.51 3979 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -2.89 3.18 4.53 3.49 3979 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -5.45 37.37 92.42 92.27 17741 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -1.89 39.12 92.74 92.73 17741 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -4.06 38.02 94.16 94.08 17741 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 -3.76 38.29 94.59 94.52 17741 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations dir10m -1.27 68.77 84.89 84.88 27346 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m -2.17 69.07 85.05 85.03 27346 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m -0.72 68.96 85.14 85.14 27346 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m -1.67 69.21 85.27 85.26 27346 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m -2.25 69.40 85.41 85.39 27346 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m -0.37 69.44 85.50 85.50 27346 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m -2.30 69.53 85.52 85.49 27346 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m -0.52 69.79 85.86 85.86 27346 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 3.87 4.02 4.90 3.00 27935 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.11 4.24 5.09 2.99 27935 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.23 4.32 5.09 2.83 27935 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.34 4.44 5.24 2.93 27935 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.38 4.48 5.24 2.87 27935 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.42 4.53 5.35 3.01 27935 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.48 4.59 5.44 3.09 27935 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m 4.52 4.63 5.49 3.12 27935 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.75 4.62 6.16 6.11 27597 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -1.29 4.67 6.19 6.05 27597 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -1.33 4.87 6.36 6.22 27597 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.42 4.98 6.49 6.48 27597 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -2.50 5.24 6.78 6.30 27597 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -1.90 5.13 6.79 6.52 27597 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -3.22 5.54 7.17 6.41 27597 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -4.79 6.56 8.15 6.60 27597 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.10 5.59 8.10 8.10 24750 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -1.26 5.76 8.12 8.03 24750 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -2.67 5.85 8.35 7.91 24750 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -2.86 5.97 8.50 8.00 24750 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -2.90 5.96 8.53 8.02 24750 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.70 6.06 8.54 8.51 24750 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 1.68 6.26 8.74 8.57 24750 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 4.24 7.24 9.70 8.73 24750 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.41 1.47 2.01 1.97 2496 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.34 1.45 2.02 1.99 2496 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.07 1.48 2.06 2.06 2496 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.51 1.52 2.06 2.00 2496 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.35 1.52 2.09 2.06 2496 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.44 1.53 2.15 2.10 2496 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -0.69 1.60 2.15 2.03 2496 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -10.37 11.57 100.91 100.39 2496 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 0.22 18.18 122.31 122.32 17220 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 2.19 19.84 124.36 124.34 17220 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 1.65 19.58 125.02 125.01 17220 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 3.28 20.66 125.59 125.55 17220 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 2.18 20.28 126.35 126.34 17220 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 5.96 22.72 128.06 127.92 17220 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 5.33 21.89 128.63 128.52 17220 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 6.60 23.05 129.22 129.06 17220 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |
Statistics Jan 1-Feb 8 2009 for wind speeds >= 20 knots | Statistics Jul 1-Aug 31 2008 for wind speeds >= 20 knots |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations dir10m 3.32 22.42 35.55 35.41 1131 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 3.13 22.37 35.61 35.48 1131 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.98 22.43 35.68 35.57 1131 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 8.06 23.03 36.91 36.03 1131 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -5.02 7.24 9.70 8.31 1150 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -7.81 9.09 11.58 8.55 1150 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -7.86 9.10 11.59 8.52 1150 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -8.26 9.45 11.88 8.54 1150 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.26 2.47 3.73 3.72 964 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.95 2.60 3.83 3.71 964 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.87 2.62 3.86 3.76 964 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -1.11 2.74 4.07 3.92 964 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.12 2.84 4.04 4.04 688 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -0.61 3.04 4.47 4.43 688 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -0.85 3.13 4.58 4.50 688 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m -0.90 3.15 4.62 4.54 688 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.03 1.68 2.25 2.25 549 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.02 1.68 2.26 2.26 549 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.15 1.69 2.28 2.28 549 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.15 1.70 2.28 2.28 549 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 22.11 85.72 190.15 189.12 368 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 23.35 89.19 196.28 195.15 368 wrfgfsd2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 40.47 96.24 204.54 200.77 368 wrfv452d2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 40.86 98.20 209.98 206.25 368 wrfv413od2.Jan1-Feb82010.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |
24-hr Forecast 00 UTC (4 pm PST) 12-km verification statistics for ALL stations dir10m 3.81 24.14 39.25 39.08 1432 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.92 24.67 39.63 39.53 1432 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.79 24.51 39.72 39.64 1432 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 4.83 24.40 39.95 39.67 1432 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.85 24.81 40.18 40.09 1432 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 2.80 24.64 40.34 40.25 1432 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 5.51 24.89 40.76 40.40 1432 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dir10m 4.46 25.26 41.35 41.12 1432 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -7.80 8.48 10.26 6.67 1453 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -8.44 8.98 10.78 6.72 1453 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -8.49 9.17 10.92 6.87 1453 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -8.54 9.16 10.93 6.83 1453 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -8.73 9.11 10.96 6.62 1453 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -8.83 9.14 10.98 6.53 1453 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -8.78 9.24 11.01 6.64 1453 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 wsp10m -9.11 9.39 11.24 6.58 1453 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.59 3.99 5.58 5.55 1270 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 1.12 3.95 5.66 5.55 1270 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 1.33 3.98 5.74 5.59 1270 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 0.22 4.11 5.77 5.76 1270 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m -0.63 4.24 5.77 5.73 1270 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 1.36 3.97 5.78 5.62 1270 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 1.63 4.05 5.85 5.62 1270 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 t2m 1.08 4.03 5.87 5.77 1270 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.55 4.38 5.91 5.89 965 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.26 4.34 5.95 5.95 965 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 0.48 4.37 5.95 5.93 965 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 1.39 4.49 6.08 5.93 965 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 1.88 4.67 6.28 5.99 965 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 2.36 5.08 6.80 6.38 965 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 2.85 5.30 7.05 6.45 965 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 dew2m 4.25 5.97 7.90 6.67 965 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.29 1.40 2.46 2.44 715 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.32 1.42 2.48 2.47 715 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.03 1.39 2.49 2.49 715 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.28 1.42 2.49 2.48 715 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.33 1.42 2.50 2.48 715 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.59 1.50 2.54 2.47 715 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp 0.84 1.62 2.63 2.49 715 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 slp -16.69 18.24 130.50 129.52 715 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 2.52 16.10 60.76 60.76 563 wrfv371ysudiff2n6d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 3.01 17.87 66.01 66.00 563 wrfv452d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 5.35 19.81 70.76 70.62 563 wrfv413od2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 5.95 19.37 71.66 71.48 563 hnmp3s3c273d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 6.80 21.77 74.46 74.21 563 gfsrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 8.48 21.59 74.66 74.24 563 wrfgfsd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 9.64 22.17 75.20 74.65 563 hrucd2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 pcp6 10.48 23.88 76.93 76.28 563 gfsruc3d2.Jul-Aug2008.00.24.diffs.stats2 sfp |