David Ovens
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington

Stability Issues in WRF High Resolution Model Runs

The Problem

WRF develops numerical instability, CFL errors, that cause high-resolution runs (in our case 4/3-km) to fail on a frequent basis. This occurs roughly 1 out of 20 runs. The location of the instability is over steep mountains. In our domains, Mt Rainier is the preferred location for this instability.

The Solution

As suggested by Jimy Dudhia to the wrf-users group in an email March 4, 2010, he addressed this problem in a 1995 MWR paper in regards to the MM5. As he put it:
I just want to see if this is the same problem I addressed in my 1995 paper on MM5 and slope instability. epssm is the equivalent of beta in MM5 and it biases the time average in w for sound wave computations. According to that paper epssm should exceed the slope for stability. MM5's default was 0.4, and you could try even higher values up to 1.0 to see if anything works.

For us, we have tested 3 cases with cfl failures using epssm=0.2. Each of these runs has succeeded.

Case by Case Examination

FailureAttempted Solution
DateError HourepssmResult
2011020500 11 0.2 Success
2011012000 9 0.3 Success
2011012000 9 0.2 Success
2009092800 37 0.2 Success
2010070700 1 0.2 Success
2011011912 22 0.2 Success

Plot Loops