WRF v2/v3 Tests Page

WRF V2/V3 Model Forecasts
DomainProductForecast HoursCasesInitialization
Additional links can be found here Sample links
Case Abbreviations
Case AbbreviationDescription
stdStandard WRF (for 2008 it is version 2.2.1 with YSU PBL from version 3.0)
stdv3WRF Version
adapt51 Sep Case, WRF Version with adaptive time step
v2211 Sep Case, WRF Version 2.2.1 with YSU PBL version 3.0
newv2212007 Case (this is the same as the 2008 std, i.e. version 2.2.1 with YSU PBL from version 3.0)
v30112007 Case (same as stdv3, i.e. WRF version
v3damp2007 Case WRF version with upper damping
wrf2007 Case old WRF version 2.2.1
wrf62007 Case old WRF version 2.2.1 with damping
wrfs52007 Case WRF version with 5 smoothing passes on the terrain
mm52007 Case old MM5 setup
stdredo36Exact repeat of standard run, but using 36 CPUs instead of default 48 CPUs
v3...WRF Version
...rad1Dudhia Radiation
...rad3CAM Radiation
...cu1KF Cumulus
...cu99Old KF Cumulus Scheme
...cu2Betts-Miller Cumulus Scheme
...cu5Newest Grell Cumulus scheme
...gfs0p5Run used 1/2-degree GFS grids for initial and boundary conditions as opposed to normal, 1-degree grids
...nofddaNo analysis nudging used
...pbl2MYJ PBL Scheme