Frequently Asked Questions

Q.   How does this ladder work? When do I start playing?
A.   The basics of how the ladder works are all at the tournament guidelines page.

Q.   What are the racquetball rules for...
A.   There are links to the full rules and an abbreviated set of rules on the rules and information page.

Q.   What if I challenge someone in the ladder above me, and between the time I challenge and when the match takes place, someone else joins the ladder I'm challenging into so that the person I challenged is now three or more positions above me?
A.   Email me and I can update the results of the match manually.

Q.   I don't think I belong in this ladder, can I switch to a new one?
A.   Yes, you can use the "modify user account" page to change what ladder you are on. This will move you to the bottom of whatever ladder you wish to be on.

Q.   This is cool, I'd like to start my own racquetball/squash/yodeling ladder, could I use your code?
A.   Please do, it's available at

Q.   I don't have access to the IMA (at the University of Washington), can I still play?
A.   No. You can only participate in this ladder if you have access to the IMA.

If the answer to your question isn't here then email me.